The Amazing Ha Giang, Vietnam

in Pinmapple3 years ago (edited)

I had a memorable volunteer trip in Ha Giang at the end of 2019. It was also the first time I came to this land. This province has Lung Cu flagpole which marks the northernmost point of Vietnam. Ha Giang is not only beautiful and famous for its natural scenery and majestic passes, but also for the unique culture of the Hmong people. Dubbed the most difficult land to explore in Vietnam, Ha Giang deserves to be experienced by all of us once in a lifetime





The main purpose of this trip was volunteering at 3 primary schools - where the conditions of the children were very poor. We distributed warm clothes and small gifts to the children. Playing with the children and talking to them makes me feel that the life "giving" is the life most worth living.

People here belong to the Hmong ethnic group - the second largest one in Vietnam after the Kinh. The people were very warm, simple and helped us enthusiastically. We were invited to have dinner with rustic and very delicious dishes, typical of the local area. These are dishes such as boiled vegetables, buffalo meat, grilled pork with "chấm chéo" spices, five-colour sticky rice and corn wine. Our group gathered at the stilt house in a cozy and fun atmosphere. I really appreciate that moment




The last day we went to explore Ha Giang feature destination, it was the best day to end my 2019. We visited Lung Cu flagpole - a destination not to be missed when coming to Ha Giang. The flagpole is 1470m high above sea level, is a 54m2 wide flag symbolizing 54 ethnic groups in Vietnam



In addition, we also visited the Vuong family mansion - a special house of a king in history. With its unique architecture and interesting historical story, the mansion becomes a place of discovery for many people



Finally we ended the journey by driving along the flow of Nho Que river. The place is famous for its green and very mysterious water. What is the most special thing about Ha Giang? For me, those are craggy, muddy and rocky passes. The road has a mountain on one side and a cliff on the other; If you do not drive carefully, you are very likely to have an accident. Luckily my trip ended well. I call this a trip of giving, being grateful to nature and finding myself



The architecture of houses in Ha Giang is very unique and eye-catching. They are made from materials: stone, bricks or dried leaves. Those are large blocks of stone stacked on top of each other to form a solid wall. You can come to Ha Giang at any time of the year, because here the air is very cool with an average temperature of 28 degrees . In winter, it is very cold with a temperature of about 16 degrees. The best time to visit is spring, when the forest peaches and flowers bloom



Above is my jouney to Ha Giang. Besides, it has a lot of attractive destinations that I have not been explored. Wish a day I can visit Ha Giang again. Thank you for reading my post ❤️


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Such a great experience em :) I love Ha Giang in terms of people and its stunning landscape. Been here twice but still want to come back :)

I think Ha Giang is the most wonderful place in the North of Vietnam hihi

Yes em ❤️

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The people have much simpler life back then.

Certainly. Life is not modern, people are immersed in beautiful nature