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RE: Bangkok City by Day doing the Skyline Tour.

in Worldmappin3 years ago

Haha, actually I use to love them smash up derby's I when to a few of them myself but no they don't do that here in Thailand as far as I know I might have to introduce it to them it would be fun but they do that on the roads all day long with there skills of driving 🤣


Ha ha haaaa yes that's so true!

I always say of you can drive in Thailand with all the Thais and the tourists from everywhere else in the world then you can drive anything anywhere!

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

Which is what it is now like in Melbs. Freaking atrocious. Cars gone wild. Drivers gone mad..ESPECIALLY when it rains. It's like they've never ever seen it rain before and have no idea how to drive their cars....

Maybe I should record my driving commentary...I come from a 7 generation truckdriving family in the country, so I'm sure that you can imagine what shit comes out of my mouth when I have to watch the the circus around me...🤣🙄

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

Unfortunately noooo, they were all driving like they were in a smash up derby well before that!

When I firrst moved here my cousin (a truckdriver who's been living here for quite a few decades now) told me to drive the car like I stole it- just like everyone else does.

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

Oh wow you should have seen the chaos in Melbs yesterday. Big storm, Floods everywhere cars stuck everywhere and 2.5hrs instead of 25mins to get home from work- which we had to evacuate because if the worst flooding anyone has seen in the shop (always flood in there as it's a really OLD building and falling down everywhere...)

Check this out- at 1:13 you'll see the tram heading up Sydney Rd- a block away from where I work..