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RE: #SpringInJapan: Roadtrip to Kamakura (And Little Bit of Enoshima)

in Pinmapple • 2 years ago

If my friends didn't get their driver's license, there would be no road trips with them. So I thank them for getting their license. 🤣

I would also like to explore the cave but we can only view from afar. I think it's a sacred place where the gods are... but I'm not sure about it. Usually it's like that here so I assume the same.

Matcha is a must try! It's good for the health. And it's like the normal drink here in Japan next to water. Every prefecture has a different matcha flavor. It's so nice to compare everything.

Now that you mentioned it, I actually also don't know. For sure, those are not planes because that would be too many. I never bothered about it til now. 🤔
Honestly, I don't know too. 😅