
I hope that doesn't mean I'm the only one breaking protocol and going against the plandemic rules. Lol... I spend more time outside since all this started then I did before it. I supposed since joining you all too, I feel the need to just create and do the best I can.

The amount of travel posts didn't actually drop since the pandemic happened. It means either people have a lot of travels that were not posted or we are forced to explore our own locality or both. Which is totally amazing.

True, I was more on the private side of things but since I found you guys and joined the community some was from the past to get them pinned but most are in real time, especially my Hikes. All I want to do is hike, lol.

I missed hiking so much! I haven't hiked since last October. Hiking is generally allowed here, but I have a problem with the transportation. I'm so jealous with your hikes! 😄

Well hopefully you get out and get one in as soon as possible, I will pray for it to come for you in the near future my friend......

Thank you! I should have one last weekend, but my friend got sick so we had to cancel. Hopefully, we'll have at least one hike before February ends.

You will, I spoke it into reality my friend.....