Desafio De Blog 30 Dias Parte 4. Dia#20: ¿Quién Sería El Vecino Famoso Ideal?. ---- 30 Day Blog Challenge Part 4. Day #20: ¿Who Would Be The Ideal Famous Neighbor? .

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Bienvenidos Querida Comunidad.

Welcome Dear Community.

Hola a toda la comunidad Hive, espero que se encuentren muy bien, en esta nueva publicacion me corresponde hablarles del dia #20, el cual se refiere a que diga quien seria el vecino famoso ideal, invito a todos a disfrutar de esta lectura.

Hello to all the Hive community, I hope you are very well, in this new publication it is up to me to talk about day # 20, which refers to say who would be the ideal famous neighbor, I invite everyone to enjoy this reading.

Los vecinos son nuestra segunda familia y las personas que estaran alli para ayudarte en caso de cualquier emergencia que se presente, no importando las diferencias que se tengan siempre hay lugar para lo humanitario.

The neighbors are our second family and the people who will be there to help you in case of any emergency that may arise, no matter what differences you may have there is always room for humanitarianism.

La pregunta suena muy interesante yo creo que muchas personas quieren o han tenido en alguna oportunidad algun vecino famoso, el cual tenga muchos espectadores tanto en el pais como internacionalmente, eso es motivo de orgullo.

The question sounds very interesting, I think that many people want or have had at some time a famous neighbor, which has many viewers both in the country and internationally, that is a source of pride.

Muchos suelen alcanzar la fama de una manera inesperada,en muchas ocasiones estan trabajando en silencio para luego dar una gran sorpresa a sus amigos familiares, suelen ser los mismos que han crecido junto a nosotros jugando y viviendo buenos momentos.

Many people usually reach fame in an unexpected way, in many occasions they are working in silence to then give a big surprise to their family friends, they are usually the same ones who have grown up with us playing and living good times.

Particularmente seria una idea genial ser vecino de una persona asi de famosa ya que posiblemente, sea entrevistado por la prensa junto a las personas mas cercanas o una transmision de radio dando a conocer toda su vida artistica.

Particularly, it would be a great idea to be a neighbor of such a famous person, since it would be possible to be interviewed by the press together with the people closest to him or a radio transmission making known all his artistic life.

A continuacion les dire quien seria el vecino famoso ideal.

Next I will tell you who would be the ideal famous neighbor.

Tener Una Vecina Cantante: Siempre he querido tener una vecina que sea cantante muy famosa, y que sin duda alguna yo apoye todas sus canciones, pero sobretodo que represente grandemente al pais como se lo merece, cada vez que surge un artista nuevo, muchos lo apoyan y gracias a ese apoyo es sinonimo de motivacion para llegar al exito total.

Having A Singing Neighbor: I have always wanted to have a neighbor who is a very famous singer, and that without a doubt I support all her songs, but above all that she greatly represents the country as she deserves, every time a new artist emerges, many support him and thanks to that support is a synonym of motivation to reach total success.

Las caracteristicas que me gustaria que tuviera seria a una mujer carismatica, sencilla, humilde, y alli es al punto donde voy, me gustaria que sea esa vecina famosa ideal que no le de verguenza decir publicamente de donde viene, algunas veces muchos olvidan de donde vienen y no se acuerdan de ser humilde con los demas.

The characteristics I would like her to have would be a charismatic, simple, humble woman, and that is where I am going, I would like her to be that ideal famous neighbor who is not ashamed to say publicly where she comes from, sometimes many forget where they come from and do not remember to be humble with others.

Para mi ese seria el vecino famoso ideal, el que sepa que tiene todos los exitos del mundo pero sigue siendo esa increible persona, humanitaria con los demas y respetuoso, son los vecinos que se necesitan actualmente.

For me that would be the ideal famous neighbor, the one who knows that he has all the successes in the world but is still that incredible person, humane with others and respectful, are the neighbors that are needed today.


Y de esta manera doy por finalizada esta publicacion, espero que les haya gustado mucho lo que fue decirles quien seria el vecino famoso ideal para mi, cuidense gracias a todos.

I hope you liked it very much what it was to tell you who would be the ideal famous neighbor for me, take care, thanks to all of you.

Gracias, nos vemos en una proxima publicacion.

Thank you, see you in a future publication.

Nota: Estas fotos fueron tomadas de mi telefono.

Note: These photos were taken from my phone.

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