(ENG/ESP) Blog's Challenge Part Two. Day 25 - A book that inspires me | Día 25 - Un libro que me inspira

in Blogging Challenge3 years ago

Hola mis queridos lectores, dando continuación al reto de los 30 días, hoy día 25 de esta segunda parte me toca hablarles sobre un libro que me inspire, no es tan conocido como otros, pero para mí es importante se llama "El Secreto" de Rhonda Byrne, anteriormente les comente sobre este libro, pero es que para mi es una maravilla. y los invito a leerlo, el cual leí hace un par de años, es el #1 de la serie de 5 libros de auto motivación publicados desde el 2006, los cuales se basan en la ley de atracción.

Hello my dear readers, giving continuation to the challenge of the 30 days, today 25th of this second part I have to speak to you about a book that inspires me, it is not as well-known as others, but for me it is important it is called "The Secret" of Rhonda Byrne, previously I commented on this book, but for me it is a marvel. and I invite you to read it, which I read a couple of years ago, it is the #1 of the series of 5 books of self-motivation published since 2006, which are based on the law of attraction.

Image taken from elplacerdelalectura

Este libro me inspira a mi personalmente porqué me ayudó a no tirar la toalla muchas veces y continuar, ser persistente, definitivamente somos lo que atraemos, a nivel de pensamientos, como personas nuestro compromiso con nosotros mismos, es y será siempre tener pensamientos claros y positivos, para centrarnos en lo que queremos en eso que tanto anhelamos hasta cumplirlo, es allí donde trabajamos esa ley de atracción, porque es verdad que los pensamientos positivos nos llevan a lograr lo que deseamos, el querer tener nos impulsa a actuar con fe y declarar para obtener lo deseado.

This book inspires me personally because it helped me not to throw in the towel many times and continue, to be persistent, we are definitely what we attract, at the level of thoughts, as people our commitment to ourselves, is and will always be to have clear and positive thoughts, to focus on what we want in that which we yearn for so much until we fulfill it, it is there where we work that law of attraction, because it is true that positive thoughts lead us to achieve what we want, wanting to have drives us to act with faith and declare to obtain what we want.

Hay lecturas que me han cambiado la vida, así como conocemos historias de personas que nos hacen cambiar la manera de pensar y actuar, que han contribuido a que estés donde estas el día hoy. Por eso nunca dejes de pensar, piensa sobre ti, sobre la vida que llevas, sobre la vida que quieres, sobre las personas que amas.

There are readings that have changed my life, just as we know stories of people who have changed the way we think and act, who have contributed to your being where you are today. So never stop thinking, think about yourself, about the life you lead, about the life you want, about the people you love.

Siempre aplicó en mi vida diaria ese deseo constante de superación, hasta el punto de decir "SOY BUENA EN LO QUE HAGO Y SERE EXITOSA".

I always applied in my daily life that constant desire of improvement, to the point of saying "I AM GOOD AT WHAT I DO AND I WILL BE SUCCESSFUL ".

Debo decir que he disfrutado mucho a lo largo de los años con gran variedad de lecturas porque me ha ayudado a entender quién soy y eso me ha recordado el tremendo impacto que puede tener en tu vida un un libro. Lo valioso de muchos libros importantes es que te marcan y te hacen ver qué puedes ser quien quieras ser.

I must say that I have really enjoyed over the years with a variety of readings because it has helped me understand who I am and that has reminded me of the tremendous impact a book can have on your life. The value of many important books is that they mark you and make you see what you can be whoever you want to be.

Así que desde ya te animo a que hagas una lista con libros geniales y comiences tu año con buenas vibra, aquí te dejo los 5 libros que quiero leer este año 2021.

So from now on I encourage you to make a list of great books and start your year with good vibes, here are the 5 books I want to read this year 2021.


"Cuando eres curioso encuentras un montón de cosas interesantes que hacer."

"When you are curious you find a lot of interesting things to do."

Walt Disney

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  • Las imagenes del divisor, 30 dias y Blogging Challenge, fueron tomadas de la comunidad BC | The images of the divisor, 30 days and Blogging Challenge, were taken from the community BC

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Thanks a lot @soyalex for giving us this motivational post. The post is really an encouragement and this makes me to wonder how motivated l will be if I were to come across any of the books that you listed above

The truth is that a lot of things are hidden in a book so, reading can be a way of acquiring knowledge that will help to improve us so I always try to read as much as possible whenever I have an opportunity to do so.

I've always been a Shakespeare's fan although I haven't been able to read up to 20% of all his books but I would like to start now to read those that I have missed out on.

William Shakespeare wow profundo ,ese señor tiene muy buenas lecturas,son profundas , dramáticas ,se disfrutan!