Blogging Challenge Part 1 Day 1: Explain The Name of Your Blog

in Blogging Challenge3 years ago

Hello Hive friends!

Hope you are doing great, Today i see this Blogging Challenge post on my Hive home page . Than i see some post on Blogging Challenge community page. So I decided to participate in the Blogging Challenge . I think this is the best way to share some event of my life .

Colorful Boy Photo Modern Scrapbook General Birthday Greeting Card.png

Blogging Challenge Part 1 - Day 1



I choose this name from my real name first two word and i add blog because i share my life event here that's why it's @tablog.

Well without more, I invite a you to join this community and share your beautiful life with us Come on, cheer up! I am really excited sharing here with you, I hope to turn 30 days and complete the challenge. I say goodbye, it was a pleasure.

Thank you for visiting my blog! See you around here later.