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RE: Hive Appreciation Contest|| My Entry

in Blogging Challenge3 years ago

No wonder! I was wondering that Hive Appreciation dateline already passed
I was like, how come? Are my eyes deceiving me? I thought I saw the dateline a day ago so what's happening that I am seeing count down in 2 days again😂😂 that guy sha.

I see you met Marianne earlier. I usually bump into her freewrites and I wish to be a part of them.
And Melinda is also someone I noticed on the platform.
As for dwixer I think we have spoken in a few of his posts. Thinking about that now, he must be the person that kept talking about Buraj or something like that. How the person helped him so much on hive, I might be mistaken I don't know but I am sure I have come across him and he seems nice.
Glad he used to check up on you and encouraged you.
I think we need to be friends too, don't worry I am not stealing him away 😂😉

Nice post you got here too. It's always a good thing to appreciate the people that has helped us in one way or the other. Thanks to this contest we had a chance to do that.

Ps: does dwixer also have a hand in you joining this contest?😂 just asking lol.