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RE: The Sunday trouble

in Comedy Open Mic11 months ago

Hospitality unit in my branch here, their work is so soft... just smile and carry first timers to their canopy.

This kinda Experience, it's what we see almost every Sunday and it used to be interesting Sha, after winning the battle. lol😄

Mr. Shiverer.

I did not actually shiver. That was just a make up word🌚

Thank you so much for coming, Jhymi


just smile and carry first timers to their canopy.

Ahh. Mine isn't that easy o.🤧

That was just a make up word🌚

Still. I maintain the fact that, that's my new name for you.

Ahh. Mine isn't that easy o.🤧

You guys count?

Aside counting, there's no big work there. Except you write the minutes of the church as the secretary. lol🤣

Still. I maintain the fact that, that's my new name for you.

It won't work🤧🤧