in Comedy Open Mic6 months ago

In May, we welcomed a new member into our household: a miniature, five-week-old kitten with a tumultuous start to life. He had been malnourished and underfed when the shelter discovered him at just three weeks old.I named him Akara because of his orange fur. We fell in love with him immediately, but it soon became apparent that our new feline friend was not exactly an intellectual giant. He had a knack for performing actions that left us scratching our heads in bewilderment.

One of his earliest escapades involved a bar of soap. Apparently, his yearning for cleanliness rivaled his curiosity. He devoured a chunk of soap, and then promptly regurgitated it. Most cats would learn from such an experience, but not our little guy. He decided that soap wasn't all that bad and went in for seconds. We watched in amazement as he indulged in a second soapy snack, as if he had just discovered a new delicacy at a posh feline restaurant.


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As he matured, we realized that litter training would be an adventure. While he was recuperating from his neuter surgery, we switched him to newspaper litter. However, he appeared to believe that the entire tray of kibble had been laid out for him. He would perch on top of the newspaper and stare at it with an intensity that suggested he was plotting to conquer the world's most epic meal. Perhaps he envisioned himself as a newspaper-reading, high-society kitty, enjoying a grand feast amidst the headlines.

Another one of his peculiarities was his fascination with the ceiling fan. It was a slow-moving fan, but he couldn't resist its hypnotic rotation. One day, my significant other believed it would be a good idea to lift the kitten up for a closer look. It was a harmless gesture, but the kitten promptly thrust his face into the path of the fan. It was as if he wanted to know what it felt like to be a feline astronaut braving the gusts of a cosmic wind. Both kitten and human learned a valuable lesson that day.

One day, as we were anticipating a pizza delivery, our little genius had a unique interpretation of the situation. He seemed to have concluded that the pizza guy was his new father. When the delivery person arrived, our kitten made a dash for the door, determined to return home with his newfound "father." We had to wrangle him back inside, much to the amusement of the pizza guy. It was a hilarious moment, watching our kitten's confusion between pizza and paternal instincts.


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As the holidays approached, we erected a festive Christmas tree, but our kitten quickly viewed it as a new playground. He scrambled up the branches, dislodging ornaments in the process. Our beautifully adorned tree quickly devolved into a lopsided, ornament-bereft mess, as if our feline friend had declared war on the holiday spirit, determined to divest the halls of their decorations with his acrobatic antics.

But the tree itself wasn't the only thing that caught his attention. He became particularly enamored with the metal base of the Christmas tree. For hours on end, he chewed on it as if it were the most delicious treat in the world. We tried everything to deter him, from spraying it with a bitter-tasting deterrent to offering a buffet of catnip toys, but he was utterly adamant. The base was his chew toy, and nothing would convince him otherwise. It was as if he believed the metal base was the legendary sword in the stone, and he was destined to be the one to pull it out.

Then came the day I had an international flight to catch. I searched high and low for my passport, frantically tearing the house apart. Our cat, being ever so helpful, must have thought I was on a mission to catch a mouse, a quest that required the assistance of a skilled feline hunter. He decided to pitch in and brought me a half-dead mouse as a token of his assistance. I appreciated the sentiment but couldn't help but wonder if he understood the difference between a passport and a mouse. It was a classic case of a feline offering a less-than-ideal gift in an attempt to help out.

Despite all his hilarious antics, we couldn't help but adore our charmingly clueless kitten. He may not be an intellectual giant, but he's got a heart full of curiosity and a sense of humor that keeps us entertained every day. Our home is brighter and livelier with him around, even if it comes with the occasional soap-snacking, ceiling fan-fascinated, and passport-retrieving surprises. He may be a little goofy, but he's our goofy little furball, and we wouldn't have it any other way. With each day, he brings new laughter and love into our lives, proving that intelligence isn't the only measure of a great companion.


The fan adventurevmade me laugh. Next time, that relative of yours would think a hundred times before doing any such act.

The tree messing up. Lolz. It appears like he has got an immemse level of curiousity that would let him explore any new thing around him

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Hahaha, forgive me but I had a lot of laughs reading through your narration of how your lil furball had been doing. I had a vivid imagination of the scene where he wanted to go with his new father, the delivery guy, lol!

I imagine you will have so much more to share about him next time :)

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Thrusting a face into a ceiling fan doesn't seem right for the kitten, as it was a harmless gesture, one would know that, it's not something to try in another time, safety first for the kitten.

just imagining the look over your face when he brought the mice he thought you're looking for😂
Get a second christmas tree, probably he needs a pillow as well😂😂

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