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RE: A Roast of a Post

in Comedy Open Mic β€’ last year

Lol... I'm so sure someone is gonna need a therapist after reading this, I'm not talking about you @royalevidence don't worry πŸ™‡β€β™€οΈ

I had to read this and take a deep breath that took about an hour before I reply to it πŸ˜‚ Okay, I think over exaggerated it but I've read this post long before writing this haha.

So you chose to wake up and shoot everyone of us on the face with our damn truth... No big deal, I need no therapist else I'll be like you whose therapists kept running away πŸ˜‚

Comedy Open Mic is indeed full of Nigerians, what I'm still researching on is if they are all from one account and if that is true... Damn! That guy is good 🀣

I enjoyed this @oldsoulnewb maybe we should start a challenge like this... Roast and be roasted haha

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I love the idea of a roast challenge! Give people some real incentive to sharpen their tongues!

Β last yearΒ Β 

Hehe cool
Let's see how it goes with that