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RE: Behind the Scenes with Leaky20

These made me laugh... a lot!
They are fun shots that I'm happy you decided to share. Awesome really! Photos like these are more special because they bring laughter.
I spotted one that would make a banner, ahem! I'm sure you know which one.

The photo with the fork! haha!

I glad you didn't tell your wife to take two steps backward for her to drop off that ledge...I know that's the kind of prank jokes that guys find funny... but you are unique.
Your dog is adorable 😍


Haha I'm glad you enjoyed them and saw the humor in the post.

Yeah that fork has been a hit so far. It would make for a good banner I suppose.

That joke never even crossed my mind lol

I'm glad that joke didn't cross your mind. I've been seeing some "silly" pranks online recently that's just not funny!
Yeah, the fork is good, and also one with a coffee cup!

Oh yeah the coffee cup. I never even thought of that one