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RE: What's Wrong With This Picture?

AHH I didn't realise you didn't drink anymore as I have on numerous occasions offered to take you for a beer. Apologies.

You're comedy posts are cleverly written because they make people laugh using narration rather than comedians who mainly use mockery to get a laugh. How long will we be waiting for the book?

Lovely pictures in Paris of you both, its a truly beautiful city.

I just realised that ecency will notify me when a 'favourite' post so I won't miss anything again!

Take care, the pair of you :-)

 last year (edited) 

You know it's bad when you have the date etched like the death of a parent. Don't feel bad. Go ahead and order me a beer, no worries dude. I'll trade it for a water (because it's passed Coke Zero time) and respectfully remind you I'm driving.

Your car!

Thanks for asking! I've been able to get in two library sessions recently and add some paragraphs. I hear these things can take a lifetime to write, I think I can get it down to a year or two.

Really glad you liked those pictures man, we had a great time. Only the second time out of all of our travels she said she'd like to live there. Wasn't expecting that. We had our guard up prior to France and left pleasantly surprised. Nothing but good things to say.

She has the stylish elegance of a French woman, she would fit right in.

You however.....

Anyway. Piss off..I'm watching football ;-)