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RE: A Roast of a Post

in Comedy Open Mic β€’ last year

Maaaaaannnn, this was freaking epic!!!

I just woke up and I saw this
Imagine waking up and seeing yourself in a roast

Most people would be annoyed,
I'm honored🀲🏼

I'm honored to have taken up a whopping 2% of your entire roast session (mama I made it!) 😌😌

This is definitely one of the best things I've read on here...
Like will Smith at the Oscars, it slaps!😀

And yes I know that's an old joke, but hey, old jokes for an old man 😏

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Thanks for all the kind words! I've been feeling a lot of encouragement, so I get the feeling I'll be doing this again. Next time, I'll see about giving you 3% of the attention!