
Yeah..unfortunately Jose is going to get himself and the site he's on, sued into the stone can't publish your illustrations of someone else's officially licensed characters without a contract. That's the root core fundamental express reason for copyright and trademark laws. I don't see him staying under the radar making money off of characters that a giant merciless corporation owns. He may be a 86yr old veteran, but he's also...stealing.

I'll admit I was a bit surprised with the use of non original characters... but I actually think there is a bit of a gray area specifically due to the nature of NFTs. Publishers have traditionally turned a blind eye to commissions & original art sales of their intellectual property specifically because they're one offs and not mass produced. 1/1 NFTs are a pretty close proxy to that in the digital space. I wouldn't expect DC to sue him into oblivion if he sold the same illustration on Bristol board at a convention. Just another strange tech frontier that needs to establish new norms.

oh, their lawyers will make quick work of that notion. and he's not making small change, neither is the site. Forget what it's worth to them to make an example of what can happen when you steal from them...Those images he made of their characters is being seen across the internet and being used to attract people to that site...oh brother...they can take everything that's not nailed down, and it's on a blockchain. nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.