What I Do


I'm really quite glad I don't work in an office building anymore. I do really get more dog time, though it usually ends up as laundry time. And drop the boy off at school time. And pick up from school time. And.. and... and...

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I have never telecommuted, so I can't relate to uour good time!

It makes me feel cheated. I get 0 dog time.

I need my dog time. And laundry time. And time to actually cook lunch, not just heat it in a microwave.

I have become spoiled. Working from home might be the best thing that has ever happened to my mental health.

Not telecommuting is like having two full-time jobs. And you get dog time. And I make my own lunch because I cannot stand fast food. Most days.

You have described my current situation while teleworking

Haha! I think a lot of us share the same sentiment. It's nice that rush hour involves only having to usher the dog out of the way.

Working from home is incredibly helpful to mitigate the stresses that used to happen around commuting! If my office wasn’t far away, like 5-10 mins I would miss it but I used to commute 60-90 minutes in the morning alone so not having to do that was crucial! Lots more enjoyable stuff now, and my commute is 15 seconds. Can’t beat that :D

Oh yeah, I couldn't even imagine having to commute for an hour. That's just nasty. My longest commute has been 20 minutes, and I was always happy for that. I will admit that I have some nostalgic feelings now, but I wouldn't go back to it, either. The intangible benefits of being home are huge.

Yeah the downside of it is not being able to have the social aspect. I know not everyone likes being social and certain groups of people are not conducive to that but I was fortunate enough that I had a fairly good social interaction with most people. Granted we are social on apps like Teams now but it's not the same as sitting in the room with some people and shooting the shit lol

I do really get more dog time

Recently I got my second part time job, so currently I have two jobs, and a little bit less hawk time (I have a Harris's hawk), but the main thing is that I am financially able to maintain my rent, to buy enough foods and drinks, and enough everything. So nowadays I am not worried about living, like I was in the previous few years.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

Being able to not stress about income does a lot to help one's state of mind. Of course, stressing about time with two jobs is still stress, but knowing that food is always available is a relief. As a person who has also been in that position, I know how you feel.

I really would like to hear more about your hawk, because that's awesome.