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RE: UA/EN Коли закінчиться війна | When will the war end

in Team Ukraine2 years ago

My dreams have changed radically, they have become so simple, even ridiculous. For example, when the war ends, I will work again! I want to work! There will be a salary, even if it is not big, but stable! And I also dream of buying such a scheme, beads for it, and embroidering it with my first post-war salary. These are my dreams. They seem funny to some, but they are. We all live in dreams now, and I dream. About peace and simple human happiness, about a favorite business, hobby, work. It's so good when there are no sirens, the sky is clear and the city runs like clockwork...

Wait for it, first you "liberate" Donbass, then Crimea, then the war goes to Russia, and then your dream come true, until then, the people of Donbass dream of Independence, and that is your nightmare.