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RE: 6 weeks of my Depression and PTSD treatment...

Hi Priyan, the wonderful @wesphilbin sent me this post.

It's clear that you've gone through some very difficult experiences and are continuing to suffer the direct consequences of this. It's very fair to ask why this happened to you - and sometimes the search for an answer can be endless. However, you sharing your experiences openly can benefit others who are going through similar experiences. There is some sense of comradery in suffering, and you're providing an open door for someone else who might need help but know how to go about it. That's invaluable!

Additionally, the fact that you are actively trying to get yourself back together by taking solid, direct actions to recover show your resilience and strength in the face of what can only be described as brutality. Your actions show your will to live, and even if the progress may be slow, you've a;ready surpassed one of the biggest obstacles to recovery: the will to do something to try to help yourself.

Please do continue to follow up with your doctors so that they can adjust your medications accordingly. Be honest with them about any benefits and side effects that you notice so the adjustments can be optimized. It may be a very long journey, but keep on track. It can pay off handsomely in the long run.

For what it may be worth, I'm proud of you for starting on this journey. If you ever need help along the way, that's absolutely ok, and feel free to reach out to me for the support. We rely on each other to grow - we're programmed that way! And yes, you are very much worth it. 😊

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