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RE: Most newbies focus on Outcomes more than Process

in Team Ukraine4 years ago

This is an evil that the society of young people of the world lives dear friend @priyanarc I don't know what happens to them that they want easy things with the minimum effort, they are impatient and they want to see the results now.
I love the vision you have of the subject, despite being very young.
I really appreciate that you touched on this topic.
have a wonderful night dear friend


I think if we want we can spread words but also I consider consumers because the new generation is not ready for the long term.
I also analyzed their intention of becoming famous, following trends which are really frustrating because they just seek followers and believe in short time fame...


hello dear friend @priyanarc good day
You know what's worse, that the more the years go by, the boys' attitudes are getting worse.
It is not something that is going to improve, and that is because they are children of people with that new way of thinking.

I think this is because of generation and maybe I became too backdated then...

I was going to put that in my comment, that perhaps in our way of thinking they do not see as outdated