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RE: Dog Attack - The Moment It Bit My Son…

in Motherhoodlast year

Oh dearie! My heart feels like it's been crushed when I read what happened to your boy. I hope he does not keep the fear of dogs for too long.

Though as per my own experience the indifference towards dogs will always be there. I too, got chased and bitten by our neighbor's dog when I was 8. I can still remember it up to this day like it happened only yesterday. It still gives me chills every time I see the scar at the back of my thigh.

We also had a time a earlier this year when we had to foster a dog for a few months. While I was the main caretaker of the dog, I cannot say that I made a deep connection with him. As he grew bigger I knew we could not keep him- he doesn't fit our lifestyle especially I have small kids too. We made the decision to give him back to our neighbor who asked us to care for the dog because I could not risk him getting too excited around my kids.


I appreciate that. That's how my heart felt when I saw his face after the incident. I wish I could have grabbed my boy up sooner so he wouldn't have experienced this.

Oh my gosh you still have the scar? I believe things like this definitely stick to a child. I have a feeling he’ll be talking about this for years to come.

I wish everyone could make a responsible decision like you did. I am the same way when it comes to small children. Definitely wouldn’t take the risk.