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RE: The Memories Still Hurts

in Motherhood2 years ago

My dear reader.
I'm so happy that you are taking time to educate the new generation.
You are correct that poor information played a part in this act and all.

It's sad that a woman should have to go through this hurtful act.

You said a culture accepts it?
That's scary! What culture?


You said a culture accepts it?

it is not "a" culture... but then again culture has a really broad definition (maybe I misused the word) let us just go with:

"Culture is an umbrella term which encompasses the social behavior and norms found in human societies..." from excerpt wikipedia

You said it yourself in your story... people knew but turned a blind eye, why? If she tells anyone, it will be probably her fault because she isn't a "good" wife, or it is just an accident, and so on and so forth.

this is quite the norm in all countries...

but this and everything else is just my opinion... there are lots of groups whom are more knowledgeable about this. You should ask them for help they have a therapist for your friend to help her cope with the pain and people there whom suffered as well and is well on recovery.

I just remembered a girl whom keeps talking about me about women's rights. 🤣

Oh I understand you my lady.
My friend is alright and she is doing great.

What country are you from?

Philippines.. you?

Nigeria..I have met a lot of Phillipino this year

I have met lots of Nigerians also in hive... mostly in dreemport.

I am a Merchant Marine Sailor... so, I have been in Nigeria a few times, can't remember the port. I sail in a ship that delivers LPG or cooking gas.

How about you? What you been doing?

Oh that's great!
Yes we use LPG to cook here in Nigeria and we don't have any active refinery here in Nigeria

I just graduated from university

Really, now that is really interesting... so, what did the young lady graduate in?