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RE: Dog Attack - The Moment It Bit My Son…

in Motherhoodlast year

I'm sorry about that, I'm glad your son is doing better now. I once had a wild dog too that chase my friends and neighbour.. I was thinking I could control it until the day it bit me too. My dad had to put it down. Your neighbor should take more caution since the dog hasn't been tamed


Thank you, we're glad he's better too. I think a lot of people think they will be able to train or control a dog but find out otherwise. As parents we have to make those calls to protect our children, that's exactly what your dad did.

Yes I agree. We just found out they have to get a new muzzle for the dog because she chewed up the other one 😳. Yeah we’re going to stay clear of that dog as much as we can. Now I’m nervous to let them play outside. 😑