Is this a baby bump?

in Motherhood2 months ago

Good day motherhood community!!!!
What's up hivers?How are you guys?I hope you are all doing great today.

I'm not totally fine today ,I have this different emotion ,I feel worried ,a little bit sad but I keep reminding and encourage my self to accept and be happy and think that it's a big blessings from above incase I am pregnant.


Today is the last day of April and my monthly period did'nt yet come for this month.I had my period on the first week of march.

Honestly I feel so worried and a bit sad because I do struggle during my pregnancy of my two kids.
It's not easy to give them birth,I scared and overthink those negative things.

Another thing that makes me feel worried is our financial problem ,I gave birth my second son through C-section and it needs a big amount of money.We spent almost 35kpesos or almost $650 when I delivered my second baby.

Our house is not yet done and it's hard for me to lived with my in-laws coz I feel ashamed that we still live with them.
I feel stress on thinking about it ,I even did'nt get a pregnancy test as I am worried for so many things.

Because of my fear on taking and having some birth control this is what happened to me now.
I am now thinking the possible things to happen,maybe it really a struggle for me since I had my two kids ,my eldest son is 7years old and my youngest is 4years old.

I don't have a job and relying on my husband's salary.Although my husband salary is good for our daily living but we have some debts to pay.We have to continue working our house .This coming august we can finish our debts and plan to reloan to continue working for our house and hoping that reloan amount can fully furnish our house soon.Thinking that problem makes me to feel on what to do .

But then last night while I was scrolling my Facebook account ,I came up to a video of a priest who's telling what to do for our worries.We don't need to worry on different things ,we gave our 100percent trust to our God. Surrender him every heavy things in our heart.

Trust God ,coz God never puts us in a situation that we can't do it.
God's plan is perfect .

That video awakes me and realized that I will trust God and think and accept it as a big blessings for us.Although I am not really sure if I am pregnant ,I said to my self that when I got my pregnancy test ,I accept it with all my heart and be thankful for it.Not every woman are having a chance to get pregnant.

The time before I saw the video ,I was crying when I realized that I did'nt have yet my monthly period although there are no signs that I am pregnant except my period.While I was wiping my tears I realized a two faces of a woman ,a woman who's crying because not having a monthly period and that was me and the other faces is a woman who cries because she had her monthly period and that was the woman who did'nt get her chance to get pregnant.


If it is positive Mitch doble ingat at alagaan ang sarili, kung hindi naman use contraception muna kung di talaga kaya magbuntis in the meantime.

Finances will come in naman tiwala langs.

Yes Po,thank you paalala🥰😊

Whatever the results everything will still come together in the end. Everyone has a path, sometimes its just a different route to get there, just trust in God as you mentioned 🙏 😊

Yes sir Bob ,that's right♥️