A lifetime Mom

in Motherhood4 months ago


Hello, beautiful Hivers! On this blog, please allow me to take you on my life journey as a mother. Hope you can reflect and find some encouragement on this journey of motherhood.




As a mother of two little boys you need to have a tremendous strength because having sons are like going to an overcrowded place; loud, chaotic but full of fun. These are the words I could describe having two little boys, why? Well, with boys they are so playful with endless energy (including fights, cries) that could also drain you out but as a mother you have to be more patient because they are still children, so let them be. Allow them to be a child because they can only be a child once. Time flies so fast that you won't even almost notice that they are growing so fast, so why not giving them the time to enjoy and to be young.





Having children you have to consider a lot of things; their needs, education and their wellness (health). In other words, you have to be stable not only financially but also mentally, emotionally and physically. In addition you have to prepare yourself with all the unexpected things that will shaken your world because these circumstances would be a make (strong) or break (weak) you as a mother or as a woman. Believe me, this would be a non-stop journey for us mothers.



To all Mothers, Mama, Nanay out there, I just want to share to all of you how I am as a mother. I know we have different ways of raising our children but these are only based on my own experiences as a mother. You may agree or disagree with me but at the end of the day we have the same goal to have a lively, peaceful and a home that is full of love.

How am I as a mother?

First, I take care of myself, I love myself. Because, how can you love others if you don't love yourself, right? Taking care of oneself is very important especially you have children who depends on you. When you practice self care, it enables you to refresh and helps you to become the best version of yourself for your children and to all the people who surrounds you. As a result, you can function better as a mother with more energy.


Secondly, I am patient. Raising children won't be an easy peasy. It can also be quite taxing and it requires a lot of patience. So if they go about writing on the walls using colored pens or wasting the baby powder all over the floor, please be patient. Be calm, take a deep breath and do your best to relax. As a mother, you have to understand that children needs time to learn and discover their potentials. Instead, be a guiding light and support them overcome their challenges. When you have this quality you're less likely to respond or say something you'll regret later on.

Third, I communicate with my children. Communicating with your children like talking, listening and acknowledging their feelings allows you to connect with each other, non verbal or verbal. This can be a good start in developing relationships not only within your circle but also with others. This is such a big help in building positive environment which could help develop their mental, emotional and social well being. And always be mindful on what or how we talk to them because children are good imitators so why don't we show them something pleasant to imitate about.

Fourth, I nurtured them with all of my heart. I make sure that they are well provided not only financially but also physically, emotionally and psychologically. Ensuring them that they are loved, treasured and well respected. Letting them feel that I am always here every step of the way.

Lastly and the most important thing is giving all the love they need. Accepting your children who they are, regardless of their imperfections, will make them feel safe and secure. And this would make them feel happy, confident and will be able to conquer all the fears they have.




Motherhood is a full time job, a quite challenging but a rewarding job at the same time. Imagine raising a human being from tiny fetus until it will be fully grown as an adult, is a journey that is worth keeping that will stay forever in me. Maybe one day, I will be away forever in this lifetime but my memory will always stay within my children and that's enough for me.

I hope this blog motivates you as a mother or an individual that have the same perspective as mine.

Thanks for taking time to read Hivers!


I can't help but agree with you when you said you need tremendous strength to deal with two boys, I have only one boy and he is like a full battalion😅 I so much respect you mothers that have two or more sons. It's not easy dealing with them.

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