
Thanks for the recommendation @smallearth but things are very costly here and it's not easy to afford,no employment,bad governance do am just struggling to make a living here am so grateful dear friend God bless

Knowledge of colloidal silver is most important, you will not always be in the position you are now.

If things are costly then there's an opportunity. I looked and agree it is very very costly there. However I make it myself in a unit I bought for about $250.00 USD. This unit would make thousands of liters. This makes the cost per ml a few US cents.

If you had a similar machine, bottles and distilled water you could easily sell for about 800 Naira the same product that Jumia sells for 68,000. That is a huge opportunity if my quick research is correct.

Solve the problems to get the machine and materials and you could do very well. This is the unit I have.

Thanks dear friend @smallearth am very grateful