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RE: Times of Technological Kindness | Tiempos de Bondad Tecnológica

in kindness3 months ago

This is curious: Last night I responded to your comment through @leofinance but, I don't know what happened, it wasn't loaded, it wasn't saved. The truth is that it is not here.

In any case, when it comes to money and social networks, at least here in Latin America, it can be very dangerous. The thugs now also specialize in these new technologies and use them to be unkind. And every day there are more cases of "influencers" who are discovered to be more fake than a $13 bill. Thank you for the opportunity to write on the topic.


I have had problems with Leo myself, sometimes it depends how you signed into it, using keys, Hivesigner or Hive Keychain, and sometimes you have to clear your browsing history and cache, ensure browser is latest version, and use keys to sign in. That was the work around from someone who is part of Leo.

Well I'm scraped. I use Windows 7 and my PC is old. It seems that the developers don't want anything to do with vintage.

Awwww, sorry my friend. But other front ends should be good right?

Yes of course. I am always in Ecency, sometimes I move in Peakd as well as InLeo and from time to time I walk through Hive.Blog, CTPTalk, DLux and SplinterTalk. We have many options to connect on this blockchain.

I have not used some of those front ends. I like ecancy, but I don’t like how the editing screen looks when composing, and I had a few posts that I had built in there and lost because it was glitching. It may be better now. I really like and find PeakD to be really stable, and like the side by side composing screen. I have not used Hive.Blog, CTPTalk, DLux or SplinterTalk. I do like ecency waves, and there is a direct message system as part of, but I’m just learning that.