Kindness and Reduced Dr. Visits

in kindness2 months ago

Kindness Can Decrease Your Doctor Visits

Today we'll explore the connection between kindness, medical appointments, and health. We will focus on how practicing kindness can lead to fewer doctor visits and better overall well-being. In our busy lives, we often underestimate the power of simple acts of kindness.

Although kindness is commonly acknowledged for enhancing relationships and fostering a positive environment, recent studies indicate an unexpected advantage: it has the potential to decrease our frequency of doctor visits.

75%-90% Of Doctor Visits Are Stress Related

In the United States:

  • Between 75% and 90% of medical visits are stress related.
  • Work-related stress is responsible for over 120,000 deaths every year.
  • These figures contribute to a healthcare cost of $190 billion annually in the US
  • Western countries have similarly high costs.

Fortunately, research has shown that practicing kindness can be an effective strategy for reducing stress and minimizing its negative impact on the body.

Chronic stress can lead to a range of mental and physical health problems, including:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Heart Disease

The Healing Power of Kindness

Being kind and having positive interactions is good for our mental well-being, which is important for our health. Acts of kindness make us feel connected and happy by releasing oxytocin and reducing stress. This positive effect also helps our physical health by boosting our immune system, making us less likely to get sick.

Kindness not only helps others but also makes us feel better, easing symptoms of depression and anxiety, improving relationships, and reducing the need for medical appointments due to better health.

Kindness Media in Healthcare Environments

Researchers are exploring the use of Kindness media to enhance healthcare environments, patient and staff satisfaction, and reduce stress. Kindness media fosters kindness by making people feel good and connected. This can improve the relationships between patients and healthcare providers, which may lead to better healthcare outcomes.

Kindness media also makes people happier and more generous, even in healthcare settings. It is also relevant to diversity, inclusion, and health equity. Kindness media, such as uplifting videos or images, can elicit positive emotions, increase interpersonal connections, and inspire prosocial behavior change.

A study by Carnegie Mellon University researchers involving 1,164 adults aged 51 to 91 found that those who volunteered 200 or more hours were 40% less likely to develop hypertension.

The type of volunteer activity did not matter; only the amount of time spent volunteering provided protection.

Social connections made through volunteering may promote healthy aging and reduce health risks.

TED Talk: "The Power of Kindness" by Raegan Hill

Kindness unites people, regardless of differences. Raegan discusses the health benefits of kindness, emphasizing honesty, humility, and avoiding harm. With data, she shows how kindness benefits others and ourselves.

Adding Kindness to Your Everyday Life

How can we be kind in our daily lives to gain these health benefits? Here are some easy tips:

  • Do Acts of Kindness: Hold the door for someone, give a compliment, or assist a neighbor. These small actions can have a big impact.
  • **Volunteer: **Helping others through regular volunteering can benefit both them and you.
  • Build Supportive Relationships: Form strong bonds with friends and family. Having a supportive network can help you handle life's challenges better.

Here Are Some Ideas for Acts of Kindness

  1. Print Out "You Matter" Cards!
  2. Check-in with a friend or family member you haven’t heard from in a while to make sure they’re doing well.
  3. Compliment a loved one in the morning to make their day bright as it starts.
  4. Write an encouraging note with sidewalk chalk outside to brighten the day of people who see it.
  5. Send a card in the mail to someone you miss.
  6. Leave some treats or a small gift on a neighbor’s doorstep.
  7. Go play a board game with someone at an old folks home.
  8. Tell someone a funny joke.
  9. Offer to cover someone's shift so they can have a day off.
  10. Put a note on someone’s car that says “I hope you have the best day ever!”
  11. Cook Someone's Favorite Meal.
  12. Be kind to yourself.

Here Are a Few Ideas for Self Kindness

  1. Practice self-kindness by setting aside time for self-reflection and introspection. Journal, meditate, or engage in quiet contemplation to nurture your inner world.
  2. Practice self-kindness by prioritizing restful sleep.
  3. Let go of comparison, grudges and resentments. Make room for #healing and #compassion.
  4. Get a pedicure or manicure.
  5. Learn something new – a language, instrument, etc.
  6. Attend a live theater or music performance.
  7. Practice positive affirmations.
  8. Watch a sunrise or sunset.
  9. Write down your accomplishments and feel proud.
  10. Start a gratitude journal.
  11. Cultivate kindness for yourself. Exchange self-criticisms for words of affirmation and encouragement. Establish a habit of speaking kindly to yourself.
  12. Treat yourself with kindness by setting healthy boundaries in your relationships. Prioritize your needs, communicate openly, and let go of toxic connections. You deserve relationships that nurture your well-being.

Well, that's all for today, come back tomorrow for some more kindness facts and ideas.

#kindness #cwh #dreemport #dreemkindness #ecency #dreemforlife #hivekindness #kindnesschallenge #kindnessmatters #pob #wellness

Images created with MidJourney, I hold a commercial license.