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RE: Breathe In Kindness and Breathe Out Kindness

in kindness2 months ago

You are right, Kindness should be a way of life, I like the visual of the air being filled with kindness and compassion!

“Negativity and entitlement are common challenges”
Yes, alas this can often be the case.

“We are in a society where most people are ungrateful”.
I think that after the covid pandemic a lot of things changed, some people seem to be more selfish, not wanting to go above and beyond to help people when they are at work. I think many people have noticed some kind of shift.

“Judgment from people” “Some people tend to call you names and make you feel like you are overdoing things or you are trying to be kind just because you want to be noticed”
I think this is because there have been a lot of people who have used social media platforms for photo opportunities and self promotion when doing something “kind” . I know someone who was a co presenter on a tv show, they told a story of helping the homeless. They recounted that they were excited to be helping people, but the whole thing was just for camera and they were really sickened by the false kindness and caring, but once the camera was off, they were like, it's just for publicity. She no longer works doing that and was really sickened.

“Surrounding yourself with positive people”.
Absolutely, this is key for a healthy mindset and outlook.
Thank you for being part of the kindness community and challenge and sharing your heart and kindness diary. I can give you my mailing address if you want to send me a box of doughnuts too LOL! 🙂 I hope you have a wonderful weekend.