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RE: What's Kindness Got To Do With Anything?

in kindness3 months ago

Wow, this was a wonderful read, my friend. I am so elated that you have looked at kindness a little differently since Kindness Week. I especially love the oxygen mask analogy. The truth be told, being kind to ourselves is always easier to say than it is to do. They say that the hardest medicine to swallow is your own.

For me, I started to be kinder to myself since becoming involved with @alessandrawhite snd #CWH. I have a second family there, that is ever-expanding ever since we collaborated with @dreemsteem and @dreemport for our writing challenge last week.

It is my family of choice, and I expand that definition to include all the wonderful people I have met and become friends with since becoming involved with #dreemport and pimp your post with @shadowspub.

I have people to hold me accountable now when I start treating myself badly, and people to remind me I matter! I appreciate you, my friend; you are also family!


How can I not cry 😭 with a comment such as this? @gregscloud, who but you could convey such kindness.

My mental health is better because of you.
We are aligned in community, in film, in music. You’re a true friend. ❤️

The feeling is verry mutual friend.