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RE: Barriers to Kindness

in kindness2 months ago

Sometimes, I fall victim of being unable to help others when I'm stressed out or have a lot of responsibilities to shoulder. I then, find it hard to help others with my head muddled up, focused on settling my own problems.

But even in few of those situations, I try to do the needful. Kindness is a cycle of goodness; what goes around, comes around.



Yes, for sure, what goes around comes around. When we care deeply, we can sometimes put other people's needs ahead of our own, and sometimes our safety too. It is a very easy trap to fall into, especially if you are an empath. We have to try and protect our energy to be useful and able to help others. I always compare it to being told to put our own oxygen mask on first in a plane emergency, before our children. If we get their mask on and they survive, but we pass out and are unable to get them safely to the exit then we both die right!

I know it is not apples for apples, and I hate the cliche "you can't pour from an empty cup," but it is the truth. Many thanks for the comment, friend.