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RE: Sunny Monday With Some Wild Mushrooms

@qwerrie I tried to set the ISO and shutter speed manually, it was a bit difficult with mobile phone camera, but I kept trying to learn how to take good pictures even with a makeshift camera. Well, I am surprised by your comments, it makes me flattering. By the way, I should be the one to thank you for being given space for expression here :)


Well, I am surprised by your comments

I wonder why? did my choice for fave pic of the set, surprise you? :)) well, when photos talk to the watchers... both sides take part in creating the final masterpiece :) the same thing as with reading. I may imagine something that not necessarily is in the photo, etc..

I tried to set the ISO and shutter speed manually

this is a great thing actually. I do the same a lot of time, when I do macro photography, it is essential part of it. (with my camera, I can change, adjust it plus-minus later, during editing in PS). I have no experience in taking great smartphone pics, my old iphone is pretty dated and has shitty camera.

PS. you did the pics in low-key, dark manner. was that your intention? it lead to a nice artsy resulting!