Fungi Friday Hike

in Fungi Lovers β€’ 4 years ago

πŸ„#fungifriday by @ewkaw

~Chicken of the woods~
I went for a short hike in the woods few days ago hoping I might find some Chicken of the woods fungi.
I was excited and delighted when I saw a couple of patches of bright orange not to far ahead of me but what I was clearly seeing was nested on the forest floor.


This was my first time NOT seeing Chicken of the woods growing on the side, at the base or log of an old Oak or Maple tree.
These two beauties were growing on what I could determine was the old extended roots from a nearby by Maple tree.


Chicken of the woods is edible
and should be harvested from deciduous tree like Oaks, Maples and Beech.
Not conifers such Pine and Hemlock.
From what I've read the fungi can absorb some of the oils from conifers which can cause GI distress if eaten.
I did not do any harvesting because I was feeling uncertain.


I was feeling very satisfied with my fungi find and enjoyed taking pictures.
I turned around to head back to my cabin when I saw another one I had walked right past on the back side of a Maple tree.
It's always a good idea to stop once and while when walking in the woods and turn around and look back and look up too.


I always welcome feedback on identification. A fungi expert I am NOT but a fungi enthusiast and appreciator I truly am.

~Happy Fungi Friday~

Please...please do your own extensive research before even being to think about eating mushrooms.

Photography by,

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Manually curated by EwkaW from the Qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank You so very much for your support and curation..!!
Most greatly appreciated:-D

You're very welcome :))

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 22 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Thank You...!!!!!

Wow what perfect specimens, I would have harvested those and made some buffalo wings out of them. I recently learned there are subspecies of COW about six different ones based on color, shape and location of the tree they grow on.

Thank You!
They were absolutely BEAUTIFUL....!!!!!!!!!!!!😍
I was feeling fungi insecure where they were growing.
I definitely would have harvested the chicken of the woods in the last photo. It was buggy and mildew slimy between the layers.
A few bugs I had no issue with it was the mildew/slim.
I'm hoping to go on a longer hike tomorrow to check another place I know I've seen them growing.

Hopefully you can find some pristine samples for harvest.

Thank You..!!
I'm getting a few things accomplished at my cabin this a.m. so I can go fungi hunting. I have my day backpack all set to go..πŸ€—
Beautiful day here 🌞

What a pretty flamingo colour!!

Thank You..!!
They truly are so beautiful and visually amazing 😍 !

These beauties you call Chicken of the Woods remind me of vibrant sea corals growing in ocean reefs. The color is very unique and unforgettable -- very tempting to eat!

Do you know if the color dulls when it's cooked? Thank you for sharing your fungi findings with us! @annephilbrickπŸŒΈπŸ„πŸŒΈ

Thank you..!!
I slice Chicken of the woods up in pieces and saute in butter and olive oil. I prefer not to add many spices if any at all. It does keep it colour. Depending on when you havest may be as coulourful. It fades the older it gets.