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RE: Fungi Friday - No New Mushrooms

in Fungi Lovers4 years ago

I tried viper meat, but they are not very large for a large dish. Normal taste, yes, it tastes like chicken.
Я пробовал мясо гадюки, но они у нас не очень большие для крупного блюда. Нормальный вкус, да, напоминает курицу.


Alligator meat is even better, has a slight hint of shrimp taste to it.

These creatures are not found in our forests and lakes :)
I'm not destined to taste them... :D

There are enough alligators in Florida that there is a hunting season and then the meat gets sold to stores across the country. It's popular enough to find in the regular grocery stores over here. Meanwhile bolete mushrooms are more rare over here than alligator meat lol.

Well ... I probably won't get to Florida ... will catch vipers and frogs: D
And pick mushrooms :)