It looks like I found some Agaricaceae mushrooms

in Fungi Lovers28 days ago

An amazing thing happened to me today... I stumble upon a group of fungi as I was walking towards home.

It looks like I found a type of wood mushroom. Well, I'm not sure whether it's a wood mushroom because it doesn't seem to have the bulging head. These ones look like pancakes that has a trunk. It's quite confusing to determine the type and name of these mushrooms that grew randomly on the side of the street. They appear similar with a wood mushroom but upon inspecting the other features from a different angle... the resemblance differs.

My other guess is that these are a type of Agaricaceae mushrooms. According to a quick Google search, there are types of Agaricaceae mushrooms that are edible while there are some that are not edible. I guess, these ones that I found are the poisonous ones. I'm judging it based on its appearance and color, they seem quite different to the ones that I see in groceries.

It may not be the best find I had in a while however, I still enjoy taking the photos of these beauty.

It was gloomy when I was taking the photos which is why the image appear dark. I think the weather goes well with the photo effect that I was going for. I think it turned out okay because the contrast of the white mushrooms and the dark green grass is more than enough to create these nice phone shots.

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One of which is sharing some interesting that happened to our day... just like this one when I found these interesting mushrooms!

Curamax Footer.jpg


These are one of a few I can find in the streets, yards and lawns of my metropolis. Sometimes can be foto-friendly too! but you better not add them to your !PIZZA. ☘️

Very true... they are definitely the poisonous ones :( Thanks for the !PIZZA

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Stumbling upon those Agaricaceae mushrooms sounds like a cool find 🍄, photos look amazing with that contrast of white mushrooms against dark green grass, gloomy weather or not, technology really does make sharing these moments so easy 📸🌿

To be honest, it doesn't look like they grew here.😅 Amidst so much greenery all around, these white umbrellas are glowing differently. :)
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