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RE: A parallel world

in Fungi Lovers4 years ago

Macro is a whole world in our world, as you say, @bambuka, and the more I shoot macro the more I like to see the images later on my monitor, because there I encounter even more things which I didn't see before 😉

Beautiful macros my friend - I think your journey to the forest was really worth it 😊

The first photo is my favorite, but I like the last shot a lot too, and I think I have seen such red mushrooms a few weeks ago - or is it a lichen?

I wish you a wonderful weekend.

Cheers and !BEER


I agree. The monitor gives new details and new discoveries.

Thanks for your kind words. Most of the macro this time I did with the iPad and a removable Chinese macro lens. He draws a kind of picture. And most importantly, very small mushrooms can be removed from the bottom up :D

Red caps crown the heads of lichens. Maybe they "bloom" like that :)

Have a nice weekend too!

Cheers! аnd !BEER

I think you have told me about the iPad before ;) but it makes good photos and the macro lens does a very good job too I think 🙂

So they are lichens. I still know where I have seen mine and maybe they are still there when I'm in this forest next time. Then I'll take some photos, of course ;)

Cheers and !BEER

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Thank you very much @bambuka 🙂

Cheers and !BEER