Another walk and a search for mushrooms

in Fungi Lovers3 years ago

The air is very polluted this winter in my town, so we use every free moment to escape into nature. This time we visited an oak forest, known as Salinacki lug. Centuries-old oaks are as fascinating as these mushrooms that grow on the edges of this unusual forest.


Since its stalk is slightly purple, I think it is an edible mushroom Lepista personata. I know little about mushrooms, so I would never dare to pick and prepare them myself, but I enjoy photographing them and looking for their Latin names. Even more interesting are their local names.



We tried to find another type of mushroom, but without success. There were a lot of these mushrooms, but they were the only ones.




But we also came across these dried mushrooms on a fallen oak tree


This is my small collection of photos of mushrooms this Friday😊

Thanks for stopping by! ❤️

With love,


happy #FungiFriday!

oak forest is a good place to search for intresting shrooms. and I cant say what you've got on your hands here! maybe, some Russulae's?..

this capture I love most of all the story:

ps. I have to disappoint you, but I didnt like both edited versions of photos,-- with those insta presets they became just weak and dirty, loose their beauty instead of getting something . ( well, thats my personal look at it. )

Thank you for your honesty @qwerrie. The forest is fantastic, I will write about it, but I only came across these mushrooms, which were dirty and not very pretty when I saw them from above because the grass was very humid since it rained all night. But I discovered their beauty when I removed the tall grass in which they were hiding. I'm sorry you didn't see what I saw! :) And of course happy #FungiFriday! 😉

Још само недостаје неки фини рецепт за специјалитет с печуркама, @ladysnowhite 😊

Dobra ideja @lighteye :) Ali samo provereno :D Nesto mi se ne eskperimentise 😁