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RE: Looking for Psilocybin mushroom 🍄 around Bulgaria mountain sides

in Fungi Lovers3 years ago (edited)

For me, they look like the same (well, in the fotos). No distinctive features. I think that really in such a tricky question you should not rely on what you read in books, websites or atlases-determinants. Mushrooms are such matter ... the same mushroom can look very different during different stages of its life cycle ... very differently. And books often record only 1-2 "typical" states. And many signs do not fall into the illustrations - texture, smell, taste ... THEREFORE, it is best to perceive information on the spot, "de visu", as they said it in Rome, - from another knowledgeable person who will show you a mushroom and show you what must watch. Something like this.
In my turn I alert @borjan and @x-rain on this post.

Я думаю, что действительно в таком вопросе не стоит полагаться на вычитанное в книгах, сайтах или атласах-определителях. Грибы - это такая материя... один и тот же гриб может очень по-разному выглядеть во время разных стадий своего жизненного цикла... очень по-разному. А книги часто фиксируют только 1-2 "типичных" состояния. И многие признаки не попадают в иллюстрации - текстура, запах, вкус... ПОЭТОМУ, лучше всего воспринимать информацию на месте, "де визу", как говорили древние римляне, - от другого знающего человека, который покажет тебе гриб, и покажет на что надо смотреть. Как-то так.



Cool little mushrooms :) I would be scared to eat them. I encountered similar mushrooms, read a bit about the trippy ones, but don't know how to be a hundred percent sure about them. Maybe if I knew someone here who ate them more than one time, and that person showed me those mushrooms in nature ... a couple of times. :) Hope you had a good trip.

aha, I see if and maybe. so, you also was not chosen and given the info from the 1st hands! aye...

have a hot !PIZZA and a nice day!

Yeah if you see cow or horse dung with these shaped mushrooms growing out of it, chances are its psilocybin, plus if it bruises a bit blue that is a good identifying feature. But yeah I would be scared to try it as I know a guy who grew them himself and ate them too often, now he's a schizophrenic.