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RE: Mushroom Protocol 03

in Fungi Lovers3 years ago

It's funny you mentioned this. I actually had no idea until recently. At one point I thought all the spongy ones were edible. But I was still very certain to identify the boletus edulis. Actually did try the radicans in my mouth and spat it out. Same with the Tylopilus felleus. Gonna be out this weekend too. Thanks for stopping by buddy.


There was a young Tylopilus felleus I found a few months ago that looked just like a white bolete. I even brought it home sure that it was a white bolete then I cooked a bit of it and man was it horrible tasting. I read somewhere that pickling bitter boletes kind of makes them taste like a green olive but I've never tried it, technically they are edible but way too bitter to eat.

Haha, that sounds so familiar mate. The season is also just starting where you are , right? I'm so exited. got my dehydrator ready. I actually ate it once too, because I am a fan of bitter melon with vinegar. I gotta say I am not a fan of Tylopilus felleus. lol The smell of mushrooms can really train the olfactory senses to identify mushrooms. I had no idea about that significance. so even before putting a small piece in your mouth, the smell can give away a lot. I once smelled a amanita citrina and almost puked. Some mushrooms also smell like old socks or smelly dog, right?. lol.

Oh yeah I have often found hen of the woods by smell, they have that strong sulfur mushroom smell in a good way. Whatever you do don't try and smell any of the stink horns. I've only found amanita citrina a couple times but never thought of smelling them (I'll avoid it thanks to you lol).