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RE: Think like a Viking: Part sixty

Like your attitude. I agree. Have your affairs in order and don't leave things unsaid or unloved. People need to know (before the proverbial "it's too late") but dwell on life. Revel in it. Celebrate it. E..V.E.R.Y teeny tiny part of life. Your quote is good. Sadly most view life in reverse. As if they are immortal and a noble name and kind words are not. Having grieved over many loved ones myself it certainly puts the reality of the fragility of life in perspective. And makes every day precious and worthy of celebration


makes every day precious and worthy of celebration

This the crux of the matter I guess, the ability to see life as a gift rather than a right and something without end. Life is a celebration indeed, or should be and whilst it doesn't always go to plan, it's always life right? It needs to be nurtured, valued and leaned in the directions that bring happiness, fulfillment and little chance for regret.