Think like a Viking: Part sixty

in Self Improvement2 years ago

New VQ (3).png

Cattle die, kinsmen die, all men are mortal. Words of praise will never perish, nor a noble name.

Thursday's are Viking quote days although I'm doing every second Thursday now and interspersing my, think like a leader, series on the alternate day. Sometimes I choose a quote randomly and sometimes based upon relevance or meaning to my life, and share some thoughts on it. These thousand year old phrases still offer value in modern society. original im src

This week's Viking quote

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Cattle die, kinsmen die, all men are mortal. Words of praise will never perish, nor a noble name.

- The Havamal -

Most people go through life not having to contemplate their demise; certainly as a younger person the end seems distant. It's uncomfortable for some to think of also, I guess. Of course, there are also many who have no choice but to accept the inevitable will happen and contemplate the end of their life: The terminally ill, soldiers and some first responders or those in hazardous jobs as well as the elderly.

Personally, I'm very prepared to die and have my affairs in order. That's not to say I dwell upon my death or want it to come quickly, just that I am prepared for it and the process of dealing with my death is made a little easier for those I leave behind through that preparation.

No, I most definitely don't dwell on death, but I certainly dwell on life!

Someone close to me is currently facing an imminent end-of-life scenario and it's been interesting, and stressful, watching it play out. It's made me think about life a little more, my own and that of others, and the fact that what we do in it is what really matters. It's that which has prompted the quote this week.

We all die, there is absolutely no denying the fact; but do we all truly live?

Are we all filling our individual lives and that of those around us with passion, personality, thoughts, attitudes and actions that make for what could be deemed as a wonderful life? Are we shaping it, creating it in the image of that which we would like to see? I can't speak for others, but I know I try to do so and whilst I fail a great deal, I succeed a great deal also. But maybe I'm biased and declare my life good, wholesome and successful because it feels good to think it...but am I taking actions that do the same for others, how do they see me, and will they think well of me when I'm gone?

I'll admit that when I die, I don't know what will happen. I'm non-religious so don't hold any preconceptions about what may be next. I have some hopes of course, but who knows right? I could end up down below with Lucifer for all I know, if such a place even exists. I also believe it's unlikely I'll care what people think of me after I'm gone but...I care now.

Let me clarify that though; I don't stress about what other people's perceptions of me are.

I mean that I care about how I live my life and how I treat myself and those I value around me. I focus on how I care for and protect them and what causes I choose to champion. I care that I show personal integrity and honour in accordance with my code, my ethos and goals and I care that I take ownership of my successes and failures, thoughts, attitudes and actions. I care that I show courtesy where it's due, that I punish bad behaviour when it's required and that I'm humble, kind and generous. I also care that I uphold the values my parents instilled in me and those I acquired throughout my life and I'm passionate about being passionate. There's more, but I think you get the idea.

I understand that people's perception of others will always overwrite the reality for the observer as someone looking in from a distance may not see or know the greater picture, but I'd like to think those who look at me with honest eyes, those who care to know me well, see a man with integrity, one who tries to be a good person and sometimes succeeds.

I don't dwell on death, not even in the least little bit, it's life that has my focus.

I don't play a game so that others may see me in a better light, I'm just my real self: Imperfect, flawed, fallible and fucken weird at times I guess...just like you. I'm also the opposite though, and I guess somewhere in between is where people see me, or maybe at one extreme or the other. I know some look at me and see the complete opposite of others and that's always going to happen, but I'm the one who has to look in the mirror and like what I see, or be content with it. I don't need praise from others and who or how many like me doesn't really matter either. I need to like myself, to feel I stand tall and in accordance with my values - I have to be able to look myself in the eye and like what I see.

That's it for this week, a thousand year-old Viking quote about life and being the right person in one's own life to cause thoughts of happiness, contentment and fulfillment within oneself and to push it outwards to others one cares about.

Please feel free to disagree with my interpretation and add your own in the comments below, or simply tell me what your life strategy is and if you're on track towards it.


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Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind


Human heart, and mind for that matter, is a complex thing. So it is hysterical to me, when I see people trying to define something or someone as purely good or bad.

We all have our dark sides just as we have our light. And dwelling about whether you belong in the "correct" spectrum or not is a waste of time. I even saw this taking a toll on some people I know, who slowly self destructed themselves thinking they will never be amount to something that will be upheld and cherished by the "society" or their close ones, or even God himself.

You are what you are, and the second you start accepting it and try to find a balance within yourself is when you truly start living. Oblivion is inevitable. We are all heading towards the big end, so there is simply no point dwelling.

Live unapologetically. Live the way that puts a smile on your face, not others. Live so vibidly that when death finally comes knocking on your door, you’ll be ready to go with one hell of a story to tell. To whom? Who knows. To me, that's just another adventure...

Live unapologetically. Live the way that puts a smile on your face, not others.

I know what you mean here, you're basically saying to design and create life as you wish it to be...but it can be a double edged sword. Think of a person who takes enjoyment from brutally raping men or women, Reynhard Tambos Maruli Tua Sinaga for instance, or Jeffrey Dahmer who murdered and dismembered, then ate, about seventeen other men between 1978 and 1991 or maybe Adolph Hitler who caused the deaths of millions...All of whom were just doing what they wanted...and I'd gladly strangle all of them with my boot laces given the chance.

I think it's important for a person to remember that their unapologetic life will probably come with repercussions and that some behaviours are simply unacceptable.

Ohh damnn. Yes I see your point there!

Responsibility and acknowledgement is important. Staying within the boundaries and knowing what is actually brutal and unacceptable is also needed. But there are also people who bind themselves too much with the rules of society and righteousness, and thus live a life that is full of constraints.

I guess the moto should be, "live unapologetically, but not at the cost of others." If you are living while causing others misery, at the end things will amount to nothing.

Because all of us are gonna go under the same ground, get mixed with the same soil and atmosphere when it all comes to an end. So there is no point, harming the ones who will share your ashes when the world collapses.

And if someone still thinks causing harm is a form of enjoyment and freedom, well, then they should probably get some help asap!

I wanted to point it out, the perspective of a person who has been around a lot. But yes, of course, I agree with your, life of constraints, comment above also.

"Live unapologetically, but not at the cost of others."

Yep, much better.

Unfortunately, sometimes I catch myself considering very seriously what people would say. Some may say it's not so unfortunate or not at all but I know it is. I mean for one, it's one of the most popular and practical sayings, "live your life regardless of what others may say, they'll talk either way". There are so many other versions, but you get the drift.

When I think back, I know I do that because of the way I was raised, and so sometimes I can't help it. I think it's also 'cause of my line of work and what I plan to achieve. But then again, most times, I go on to do what's best for me and the people around me/the society at large. I also tend to be logical, and selfish, you know in that sense of "you gotta stay alive to even help others".

My ideology on life is pretty simple, I guess. I'm spontaneous, usually just going with the flow and enjoying it along the way. This is not to say that I don't make plans but I know to not plan everything. Whatever the future holds, despite my plans, I tend to accept.

Like you, I don't dwell on death but it's not something I'm afraid of. I think I wouldn't mind it but I just hope I've used up all my talents by the time it comes.

It's good to hear that you have some plans, I wrote a post about that a couple days ago. A person's future is better when some plans are laid, leaving it to chance is a little dangerous.

Like your attitude. I agree. Have your affairs in order and don't leave things unsaid or unloved. People need to know (before the proverbial "it's too late") but dwell on life. Revel in it. Celebrate it. E..V.E.R.Y teeny tiny part of life. Your quote is good. Sadly most view life in reverse. As if they are immortal and a noble name and kind words are not. Having grieved over many loved ones myself it certainly puts the reality of the fragility of life in perspective. And makes every day precious and worthy of celebration

makes every day precious and worthy of celebration

This the crux of the matter I guess, the ability to see life as a gift rather than a right and something without end. Life is a celebration indeed, or should be and whilst it doesn't always go to plan, it's always life right? It needs to be nurtured, valued and leaned in the directions that bring happiness, fulfillment and little chance for regret.

It matters so little how much you may own, you can take all the treasures , all the riches you can hold in your hands but what will it help when it's your time to die? Death is certain. What really matters? I think the memory you created will last. Only what's done with love and kindness.. These things will be forever remembered.
Thanks for sharing this seemingly inspirational. It made me paused and think, I still need to better myself, to be more kinder and loving so that when death comes, I'll be ready with no regrets. Maybe it's possible to die happy.

I think it's certainly possible to die content that a person has lived life to the best of one's ability. Regret is not a friend most like to have. The thing is, that it's not best practice to wait until the end to work on that scenario, the best life scenario. I think it's an every day thing and is the responsibility of the individual to create.

Death is to me a necessary end. Living your life and acknowledging that one day this life would be terminated and accounting for how you lived here is also one reason why I am mindful of how I live and relate with others.
A lot of us just live and don't care how our lives affect others.
Thanks for the quote

Cattle die, kinsmen die, all men are mortal. Words of praise will never perish, nor a noble name.

Death is to me a necessary end.

It's not just necessary, it's inevitable. You'll be dead someday, and you don't know when. Best to live your best version of life starting immediately right?

This awareness makes me to live life with meaning and purpose because I don't know when death will come knocking

We all die, there is absolutely no denying the fact; but do we all truly live?

In the span of a year, I lost my uncle to a violent crime, one friend to illness, and another to a freak accident. The fact that these two friends, one around my age, and the other, who had the accident, was far younger than I, thoughts of mortality were with me a lot. It is not that I fear death. I have no fear of that journey regardless of what may lay beyond if anything.

It made me think about my own life. What have I done with the time that has been given to me? Am I doing all I can? Being all I can? Living in a way that I am satisfied with who I am and what I have done? When I depart the mortal plane, will I have left it a better place for those around me?

People often don't think about the limited time they have here. It can be depressing if you have the wrong view. The questions I started asking, were hard. Ten years ago, I had pictured myself in a much different place than where I am now, at least career-wise. I've also had to work on breaking down my misconceptions about a successful life. The truth is, I don't need all that much money to be happy. Sure, money is a useful tool, but it does not equal happiness. I am far richer than most in terms of the wonderful relationships and bonds that I have formed, and the memories I have made!

Your last paragraph is so true and it would do people well to understand it for themselves and their own lives. Of course, many will never even have these thoughts and, sadly, money and things, are often deemed as markers because of it. The enlightened ones know that money is important and probably quite necessary...and also understand that happiness isn't reliant upon it.

A lot of the time it's those who have dealt with death who understand the value of life a little more keenly.

Dwelling on death is a a luxury of royalty or something like that. I wouldn't think even rich people have the time for such a thing.

I can't believe this segment of your blog has gotten to 60 entries! Wow. I've been busy on other things and have missed a lot of it.

I like the interpretation you give to that quote. Even when times have changed a lot, the idea of living your life to do good is a concept that stems form ancient times. Of course, good and bad and concepts that change according to the time period. So maybe those ideas of being noble encompassed many other aspects of life.

Regardless, there's a good chance of having done the right thing by keeping your affairs in order and not messing with people's lives. It doesn't get you out of gossip and bad commentary, but we are what we do. If you do good, there's nothing s lot of people can do. Their envy will outlast you. And that's their problem.

So maybe those ideas of being noble encompassed many other aspects of life.



I believe everyone should seek to be noble in their lives and in the ways commensurate to the situations bthey are face with and opportunities they have.

Yeah,I think getting the comment from that far makes for many things. But the defining idea came before that part. It's a fine point, regardless.

We all die, for sure, but, I would be a liar if I said I didn't care what people think of me. But, to be more specific, my people. My family, my closest friends, and even people that I hold in high respect. To me, that matters. I don't like anything left unsaid between us, anything unresolved in differences. We can have differences, but, I like to address them. It is important for me to feel like I have done what I can to make it right. Unless of course, it is just plain wrong. :)

If anyone has assets, it would be foolish to not have your demise taken care of. In case people aren't aware, that doesn't stop it from coming. Having had to settle some estates, I can say that it can be pretty time-consuming to file someone else's paperwork and decide where their assets should go and to whom. I worked hard for what I have, and it has been such fun, but having had to plan a funeral or three, I don't want to leave that to anyone. Where I am buried, which chapel will hold the service... that is so helpful. Done. It is the least I can do for my kids.

I don't understand people leaving behind unfinished business, of course, having buried a few very close people, a couple very unexpected, you tend to look at life a little differently. I love life and live each day to the fullest. That doesn't mean I do amazing things, although sometimes I get to. :) It just means that I try to be happy with what I have done, embrace in my soul those close to me, and never forget to show my love, my gratitude, and my heart.

I hope you have a wonderful night.

I agree with you in that we need to care what people think of us, but the important aspect is who, and why, and how much. Some don't matter and others do, and determining one from the other is important. I made a comment to someone else in this post who talked about, living exactly as they liked, unapologetically, and I pointed out that that isn't always a good thing, and gave examples of people who have done so; Adolf Hitler was one such example.

I believe that through not acknowledging that ones life will come to an end can inhibit the value a person finds in it. Like leaving unfinished business for instance, putting off what could be done today for some otter day, the kind words, that holiday, the self-care and so on.

I know you're not that way inclined and that you've found much of what you've looked for in your life as most people who take the time to search will. It's a simple equation.


Hitler is a great example and one I wouldn't have thought of. Unfinished business is not uncommon but it should be.

All of these things should be taught to your kids when growing up and then it wouldn't be such a struggle to do it when they are older. I understand circumstances prevent it, especially nowadays with people having children they aren't even raising. It isn't the schools' responsibility to do these things, but, that is another whole post.

especially nowadays with people having children they aren't even raising. It isn't the schools' responsibility to do these things, but, that is another whole post.

I'm not a parent so try not to comment much on things like this, but it's really a pretty serious issue. Also, I see (perceive) that many parents just aren't equipped to do the child-raising as they were raised incorrectly themselves...I don't think schools are the right place for this raising scenario either; agendas and all.

I was just having this exact discussion about a week ago. We are two generations deep with unskilled parenting. How sad is that? It's more of a problem than people realize.

Yeah, I think humans have got very good at denial and avoidance. Sad indeed, because this particular scenario is spiralling out if control and won't end in a good place.

certainly as a younger person the end seems distant.

Yes. The end seems really far away when you are young but not when a person is young and has a terminal illness and has been told he would die soon.

The older people feel closer to their graves but their are yet no certainty that the young would have an opportunity to age.

So then, I believe death can come knocking at any time and any age however, like you, I would rather reflect on Life. Making life counts matters in every sense of it and making the best of life by daily efforts should be the goal of the living, least the living becomes a living dead.

It's good to have this ethos and yes, you could die today, any of us could. It makes sense to get some value from life whilst the chance is there right?

We all die, there is absolutely no denying the fact; but do we all truly live?

Short answer there is no. Most never even get a taste of life. Too much fear. Some live vicariously through people like you (and hopefully me, but I can't see the field clearly enough to be sure). Most settle into the society provided box and DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT IS OUTSIDE THE BOX.

I say I don't care. What people think of me, what people expect of me. Truth is, I do care at some level, but I don't let that stop me from doing what I think is right. Life is pretty easy if you just do the next right thing.

On a sorta this note, I'll have my will notarized today or tomorrow. I had left written instructions but when my sister died it turns out I had outlived my family trust. Me or my brother are going to end up with title to the family land. So I need a formal document stipulating that my brother or his two sons get my part.

Damn. Who would have ever believed I'd have an estate? Certainly not me :)

One other thing. Having survived 3 younger siblings I'm still not the betting favorite to end the family trust. All my life, and I do mean all I have been the child of my parents most likely to die first or next. That hasn't changed with only one possibility in front of me :)

Ah yes tom, the society box...I know many who stay safely within it and even have them fooled that it's an amazing place to be...Like being in the Matrix I guess.

Truth is, I do care at some level, but I don't let that stop me from doing what I think is right.

Yes, exactly! This is what I was trying to get at when I said that I live my my integrity and honour as I see it. We should all care how we are perceived at a certain level, and then there's times it shouldn't matter.

On the will thing, I literally just ended a discussion with a younger than me mate who hasn't got one. I was quite clear with him about the reasons why he needs one, every adult does. Seems like you have things under control.

Was bedridden at home some days ago and for the first time since I was a kid I got terribly sick that I thought I was gonna die. I was really scared and honestly wished not to die because I am so not prepared for it.

During that experience, I never really thought of what people would say because I don't really care, the only person I thought of was my mom who'd be lonely in this cruel world. A lot of others out there may say what they want and that's their problem not mine because we all have our minds to think what we want.

Yes, life happens sometimes but I think it wasn't my time just yet. I had the conviction just to so I could stay alive. I couldn't imagine being on the other side watching my mother suffer depression.

It was a terrible experience for me but I'm glad I got better.

I never really thought of what people would say because I don't really care

I believe we all should care about what other people think of us, the trick is choosing the people. I mean, I think you'd care what your partner thought of you right? You children, parents and other people close around you?

trick is choosing the people.

My circle in real life is quite small and the other people don't quite like me. I only have some nice people here on hive that I can call friends even tho I don't know what they are in reality. The realest person close to me is my mother so you see why I made that statement.

I mean, I think you'd care what your partner thought of you right?

Course I would but.... sad enough I don't have a partner just yet.

When you do, please care how your partner sees you, and of course how you see yourself and you'll find it leads to good places.

I sure will! Thank you so much for the counsel😌

Learn some new, love to read it.