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RE: Pick your sugar... honey

That's very good! I stand behind the same principle. Usually people judge and show malice towards what they can't understand. The underdogs, the weirdos, the black sheeps, you name it, all of these typologies hold the seed of resisting authority and questioning the way things always have been done. It takes a lot of courage to be different, but what do we have to lose? In the end, nobody gets out alive from here, so we might as well live our lives how we feel, not how it's supposed to be done.


"In the end, nobody gets out alive from here" No truer words have ever been spoken! I get judged a lot for being weird but the right people love it and that's all that matters. The normal way of doing things isn't always the best or most organic, I view those people as shackled to the system, I agree it takes courage to stand up to the status quo but so worth it, people like us are pioneers, the wind of change and freedom. (that's why we are all on hive...haha!) Formed our own community of beautiful weirdos. Be the change you want to see in the world!

Hive is a great community, it really had a positive impact in my life to discover Hive at the particular moment in my life.

Leading by example is the best way to help others change