A Journey To The Self-Discipline Land

Hello, hivers!
What's up?


For a couple of months now I've been listening to Jordan Peterson and it doesn't matter what anyone says about him, no one can deny that the man excels at being disciplined.
He never looks stressed, chooses his words carefully so they can't be turned against him, and has a method.
Which I lack. If anything we might be opposites when it comes to discipline and work.
That is usually why I fail, hardly I persist and consistency is another word I'm getting acquainted with.

But lately, that has been bothering me.
Decided to make a change, I gathered some tricks from people Jordan Peterson, Marcus Aurelius, Bruce Lee, the list goes on.
There were a ton of them but we are all different and not everything works for everybody.
Here I decided to bring you what changes I have made or have been putting an extra effort to change.
Reminding again, not everybody works the same way and this is what worked with me.

1. Pairing Tasks

Each day comes with 2 different types of tasks:

  • Tasks you WANT TO do;
  • Tasks you HAVE TO do;

How to get through the obligations without missing out on the joys?
Pair tasks!
If you think cleaning is boring, why not listen to your favorite podcast while doing it?
People are so much more likely to repeat an action if they didn't utterly hate it the first time.

2. The Difference maker

Do you ever "review" your day and wish you could do things differently? "I should have said X" or "I should have done that in another fashion".
After this, all your fears and anxieties take over.
You start feeling blue and stressed.
All this is poison for our self-disciple and productivity journey. The last thing we are looking forward to is to lose faith in ourselves
So, instead of pinpointing everything you wish you have done differently and stress over it with changing, choose THE ONE thing you believe that would make a huge difference in your day and how you feel.
With your choice made, plan out how you can change and put it into practice tomorrow.
You can't change the past but you can always try to redeem.

3. Self Knowledge

If on the one hand, we have a morning person, on the other hand, we have a night owl.
Everyone works best at different times.
It doesn't matter which one you are as long as you ain't enforcing another rhythm.
If you know you work better at night, don't overflow your morning with work. Not only you will feel terrible but you also won't be able to focus and you won't be as effective.
Use your biological clock as your ally.

4. Advanced Decisions

When temptation is knocking on your door, it's challenging to stay disciplined.
Let's say you leave your phone at the table while you are in working, a text comes through and the screen lights up.
The FOMO kicks in and the urge to check it gains power over you.
As soon as you grab it, your productivity and grinding are sabotaged.
Thinking ahead helps.
Anticipate your distractions.
Out of sight, out of mind.

5. Wasted Weekend

It's finally Friday and you can almost taste all the rest and relaxation you are getting on these 2 days off right?
Sort of.
While is of uber importance that you give your body and your mind the necessary rest, you shouldn't use the weekend as your "ambition getaway".
Most disciple people don't lose track of their habits no matter what day it is.
I'm not saying you have to work from 9 to 5.
Just remember that goals don't take days off.

6. Break Down Time

If you anything like me, this is for you.
Every time I think of the amount of work I have ahead of me I can feel my motivation going down the drain.
So, divide your day into one-hour blocks and designate a certain task to that hour.
Setting timers are also a great help.
I can assure you that makes the work much less intimidating and the day feels to go by faster!

7. Check Your Glucose

This one I learned from my partner!
Glucose AKA Sugar is often frowned upon, but your body relies on it to push through.
Each time you run, talk or even think, your body is using glucose as an energy supplier.
Is one of our main energy sources!

Sure, while sugar is the main villain when it comes to weight gain, lack of attention and slows you down.
Low Sugar Blood can lead you in the same direction...
So next time you feel drifting away try powering up with some simple sugar.
Maybe a spoon of honey with tea or a simple fruit of your choice will do the trick!

8. Celebrate Less

What do you do when you cross an achievement off your list? Celebrate right?
At least that's what I always think of, that and how I feel on top of the world.
Whilst is deserved, my capacity to self-sabotage comes in here.
I always think I need more time to rest than is necessary and when it's time to get back on track is like a dread.
So next time, instead of a long break between tasks or goals (whatever rocks your boat), I will keep the "momentum".
Having a shorter period of rest and then move on to the next goal.
It's easier to keep the motivation and self-discipline after a day of rest rather than a two-week vacation.

Anyone has an extra suggestion?


These are amazing tips, I always find myself putting structure and things in place but getting distraction with my phone. What happens when you need to do something on the distraction, how do you not get distracted?

Thank god you talked about that!!
I've been doing this so recently that I forgot to mention.
Along side with my "to-do" list I also have a "distraction list".
I used to stop whatever I was doing to look up something that just came to light and spent hours on it without getting anything from it.
So now, whenever does "super interesting" thing pop in my mind, I write them on my distraction list, this way at the end of my "obligations" I'll look through it to measure their importance (spoiler alert: most of the times for me, it was really just my brain trying to get me out of work) ahaha
You should try it too!! :D

This seems like a good idea,
I would try it as soon as possible because I hardly get things done due to distractions.

I get you! Something pops in my mind and I always loose hours on it thinking it will be the next greatest thing since the invention of sliced bread and most of the times was just a distraction