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RE: Balance || Focus || Presence

in Self Improvement4 years ago

You raise a good point...Life isn't black and white. I think that's where I was going with the focus can shift part of the post. I can be so focused in the moment, work for instance, but I have the ability to pivot in a split second if priorities change and I have to give the 100% focus elsewhere. Flexibility is important.

Yeah, Highlander - Good movie! How about Hunt for Red October...Russian submarine commander with a Scottish accent. Lol. Good movie. (I didn't mind him in The Rock also.)


Hunt for Red October I liked, I don't think I saw The Rock.

He was an ex-con from Alcatraz and was busted out of jail to go back to The Rock with an FBI dude, Nicholas Cage, to save the world from some sort of nerve gas the rogue military guys who took over Alcatraz were going to launch. It was ok. Not the best movie of all time, but far from the worst.