Balance || Focus || Presence

in Self Improvement4 years ago

This morning I woke to the news that Sean Connery, one of my favourite actors, had passed away at the age of ninety years old. I never new him personally of course but grew up from a young age watching his movies, the James Bond movies more specifically, and I felt a bit sad he's gone.

It will happen to us all though, death, and as much as most people try to avoid the subject our personal demise will come, sooner or later. It's a bit depressing of course and whilst I don't hide from it, I don't dwell on it either - I focus on life.

I work hard at life, at living what I see as the best version of it and towards being the best version of myself as I can be. I'm a flawed and imperfect human being though and so I don't always hit that mark; The best version of myself, and sometimes my life isn't the best it can be.


People often talk about balance, a balanced life, probably most often in respect of work to life balance, for those who are still actively in the workforce. You know, that old line, "you have to find that 50/50 work-life balance." It's a common line, but one I don't really agree with wholeheartedly.

I prefer to be focused in the moment I'm in, I call it being present, and being 50 percent present means I'm fifty percent elsewhere. That's not good enough for me; Not in my work or my personal life.

An example would be my typical work day...The Directors of the company pay me to perform and if I'm not focused I'm simply not able to perform at my peak...So I focus; I'm present in the moment, the activities I'm working on. In my persona life, let's say I'm out shooting for instance, I'm not thinking about work, splitting my focus - I'm in the moment and working on living my best version of life at that point. It's a simple concept.

I've explained this concept to others and some get it, some don't. Mostly people don't understand how I could be so focused...But they're missing the point. You see, focus, being one hundred percent present in the moment, is simply an attitude, the moment is flexible to change though - It has to be.

Let's say I'm in my work day and get a phone call from my wife who has had some sort of emergency or accident...Do you think I say, "I'm focused on work so sort it out yourself?" Nope, I determine what's important at that moment and if it's a new situation my focus shifts there, one hundred percent of it.

It works for me and I'm not trying to sell it to you. Whatever you do is your concern - But for me, having presence, being present in the moment, and not splitting my focus is an important element in ensuring that my life is as balanced as possible. I don't sully my weekends with thoughts of work and I am focused at work, when I am there. That's why I'm so productive at work and in my personal life.

I've heard many tributes for Sean Connery today and one constant is the fact everyone is saying how passionate about life he was - For that reason I have to conclude he found the right life-balance and I presume he held little regret at the end. It's that state of mind I'm looking for, and that drives my one hundred percent focus ethos - It helps me draw the best out of every moment and have better relationships.

That's me...What about you...Do you seek balance in life? Are you one who subscribes to the 50/50 balance paradigm or are you more like me and focus your attention, passion and life at presence in a more single-minded fashion no matter what moment you happen to be in? Feel free to comment below. There's no right or wrong answer.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209


I once saw a documentary about geniuses on television and it explained that one of the characteristics of geniuses was that they were able to focus 100% on what they were doing. It seems simple but in reality few people do it, most work thinking about what to do next. According to this documentary, people with exceptional talents, these geniuses were not people who had a more advanced brain structure than other people. His ability to concentrate was simply greater, according to this, we could all have a better memory and do a better performance if we simply learn to be fully present.

I think "50/50 work-life balance" means something different for each person. I like to have balance so that my whole life is only working, or in a specific activity. That I can dedicate some time to everything that I like.

We all have different thought on life and deploy it in different ways; That's what makes us individuals and the world a little less bland. I think, as long as a person is seeking their best version of life, then they're on the right path.

Also, I heard about that genius/focus thing and am not surprised about it. Focused people get more done.

Thanks for replying on my post, I appreciate your point of view.

Soy de las que piensa que si uno va a hacer algo, tiene que hacerlo bien, sino mejor no hacerlo, eso significa: dar siempre el 100 % en todo, y no por quedar bien con los demás, sino con uno mismo.

Con respecto a la muerte, es algo que nos sucedera a todos y estoy de acuerdo con usted, mejor concentrarnos en la vida, en vivir el presente dando siempre lo mejor de nosotros, pero debemos agradecer, agradecer por la vida y por la salud, mientras tengamos salud vamos ganando y así podremos dar nuestro 100%.

Me disculpo por hablar en español, es que no domino mucho el inglés, solo lo entiendo un poco. Saludos!

Thanks for your comment. Google translate did a reasonable job changing it to English, which is not always the case.

Giving the best we have is a very important thing as that's how people judge us - By what they see. However it's what we do when no one is looking that defines us, and that's when seeking to be the best version of ourselves is truly important.

Thanks for your comment. :)


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Nooo Bond is dead☹️

Yeah, he was a top bloke. Will be missed.

Surely the best Bond actor ever in my book.
Now if one goes 50/50 with a camera into nature, not only will one get 50/50 results, but one might end up in hospital.
How would you dodge a Mamba snake if you don't see him? Or a lion waiting for you behind a bush? Or a loose stone that you are going to step on in a river bed?
No, 100% is what it takes, or nothing lol.

Yeah, he was a good 007, corny one liners and all.

So yeah, one doesn't want to 50/50 when a black mamba comes to say hello.

I was surprised at his age and it just shows how time flies.

Yes and even a green mamba, a puff adder, or a "boomslang" can make big marrakas.
It's 100% in the moment or nothing my friend.
But of course you know that very well.

Green mamba? I thought they were black...Either way I'd not want to come face to face with one. I heard they're fast, and had struck at people on bikes? I'm not sure where I heard that, a doco I guess.

Both Green and Black Mamba's my friend and both lethal. The green mamba looks very similar to the boomslang and Google will tell you that.
We encountered quite a few of them in the sugar cane fields as we were working on the high voltage electical towers.
Like I said, best is to avoid those guys!

I don't like snakes. Well, I don't mind these ones...


...The others not so much at all.

Hahaha, you can certainly be very funny at times!
Hope that Faith is improving!

I'm a big believer that second place is otherwise called first loser. 50-50 is half off, and average at best.

When I worked for somebody and took a paycheck, I rode for the brand. If you were paying me you owned me. It was entirely on me to find another place to work if I didn't like conditions at one place.

Present in the moment is something I actively strive for. I don't get there very often, but my percentage is probably pretty darn good all things considered.

I've never understood that 50/50 work life balance...When I'm engaging with my life I want to be doing it at 100%...Also, if I owned a business I'd want my staff at greater than 50% focused. Makes sense right?

A person doesn't have to hit 100% all the time...But being focused on it will help get closer and closer.

I guess I never looked at the 50/50 statement as meaning only putting 50% of your self in everything all the time, but a balancing of time doing each thing.

I had not heard about Sean's death till now. 90 is a fine age to get to live too.

I think the statement, 50/50 work-life balance, is generally perceived from the perspective you mention, a balance of time doing each thing. I'll tell you what though, I pity someone who want's to spend 50% of their life working. What a horrendous existence they must have. No thanks, I prefer my method of living life. I'd rather put 100% of my focus into my work for the least amount of time, then put 100% of my focus into my personal life as much as I can. That seems a better balance to me. We're all different though I guess.

Yeah, 90 is a decent time and more importantly he put it to good use.

Thanks for your comment. It's greatly appreciated.

I think you hit a key point. That many people mistakenly believe that Balance means 50/50. In my experience, it certainly does not. Balance means exactly that, what is a proper point of balance that a person needs to be happy. Many, such as myself would not feel balanced with 50/50 work/play. At this point in my life, I still feel balanced more at an 80/20 level or so. In a few years as I get closer to retirement, I expect (hope) that to shift to a 10/90 balance point for work/play.

I can't even count the number of times I've heard so many of what I consider an "entitled" group/generation complaining that they need more life "balance", when imho they are only working a half-week already and wondering why they are not being promoted or moving up. This may not be important to some, and that's fine if it's not your bag, but don't expect to be rewarded by others, lol.

I also like focus. I find it especially valuable when I have many tasks to accomplish. Instead of what I like to call "thin-slicing" 50 tasks, I prefer to prioritize and focus on the top 5, "thick-slicing" them and letting the others slide, or thin-slicing the others at lower priority and time commitment. This has the benefit of actually getting some things done in a month's time, instead of having 50 things only 20% done. This gives me a feeling of accomplishment, and now reduces the number of things that need to be done, allowing for more of both thick-slice and thin-slice time.

The focus thing is a big one for me. I'm focused when I need to be, sure I might zone out watching TV, but am still focused on the activity, not half watching TV and half doing something else.

It drives me bonkers when I get served at a shop and they ask what I would like and after proceeding to tell them, they then proceed to ask me again because the never bloody listened. No focus. Let's call it Subway when they ask if I want cheese fir instance...I'll say yep, then they proceed to make the sandwich...Then inevitably, did you want cheese? Drives me insane! It's a lack of focus on the task at hand.

I come from a background where focus means everything and a lack of it has massive repercussions...I don't get why people split it, especially at their job or relationship.

You mention prioritisation which is also a key element. You know, in reading my post back I guess I didn't really get my message across that well; This stuff is better talked about in person I suppose. I'm glad you kind of got the point though and I agree with all you say.

It was sad to read about Sean Connery, most remembering him as James Bond, me I remember him more for Highlander, he just seemed to fit that role.

The 50/50 balance of life, I am not sure about. Life is but a moment in time, and I like the moment. Flexibility is one of the more important aspects of life to me, I can understand the thoughts about a balanced life, and everyone's idea of a balanced life is somewhat different. But balance to me seems so black and white, and life is not really black and white, there are so many shades to life.

You raise a good point...Life isn't black and white. I think that's where I was going with the focus can shift part of the post. I can be so focused in the moment, work for instance, but I have the ability to pivot in a split second if priorities change and I have to give the 100% focus elsewhere. Flexibility is important.

Yeah, Highlander - Good movie! How about Hunt for Red October...Russian submarine commander with a Scottish accent. Lol. Good movie. (I didn't mind him in The Rock also.)

Hunt for Red October I liked, I don't think I saw The Rock.

He was an ex-con from Alcatraz and was busted out of jail to go back to The Rock with an FBI dude, Nicholas Cage, to save the world from some sort of nerve gas the rogue military guys who took over Alcatraz were going to launch. It was ok. Not the best movie of all time, but far from the worst.

I was kind of bummed out about Sean Connery too. He hadn't acted in a while but, man he did a bunch of good stuff and he had to have had one of the most iconic voices in the industry.

"I'm fifty percent elsewhere."

I think a lot of people fail to see the value in that but it is there. We hear a lot of rhetoric about "living in the moment" or "leave your personal life at the door" form employers or advertisers or other people who want things from us at that very moment. As you point out, living in the moment is great for completing tasks or for focusing on a goal like shooting but a lot of good stuff lies in that "elsewhere." Its where we reflect, and plan, and become creative.

I learned a long time ago that life can be fickle, snatched away at any moment, or changed to such a degree that it is unrecognisable. It's for that reason I attack it, live each moment as best I can, and focus on the task at hand when working so that I am more efficient - This means I spend less time working for the man and more time living my life. It's a simple concept but one that works for me. It's not perfect, nothing is, and is subject to failure at times, but overall this ethos seems to keep me moving generally forward and mostly towards my goals.

"I spend less time working for the man and more time living my life."

Haha that's the best thing we can do I think.

It could be said that I'm the man but in truth I'm just a man who wants to live life the best he can. I don't do so badly mostly. :)

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The best thing I did for myself was to embrace the present. When I starting living in the present (my motto), things - everything, changed.
We are creatures of habit and have a tendency to just go through the motions on auto-pilot. I try to change that and give all my focus to whatever I'm doing. It's not an inability to multitask, it's just a conscious effort to focus on the present.
Live in peace (LIP) for yourself, as we never know when others will saying RIP.

I like that LIP/RIP thing...Simple but so true.

I think focused people get more things done, more efficiently. It makes sense to apply it to life and work, all things we do really. It works for me..I'm good at applying it whether I'm working on the corporate world or sitting on the couch watching TV, anything really. 🙂

He was a great actor! I think that we constantly need to readjust our balance according to the situation. In the same time we need a sort of inner balance which keeps us calm no matter the disruptions. I have found that balance is usually directly connected with a feeling of inner peace and compassion towards other people.


The key is for each person to identify what is right for them, what works, and then to make that happen. Unfortunately many are too busy being focused on things that don't really matter in the grand scheme of things and completely miss the mark. It takes all kinds of people to make up the world though, so people will always do it their own way.

Yes I agree with you, focus is the most important thing. How to identify what is right for you? Here I think that failure plays an important role. If we do not dare to try and fail we will never know.

Failure is critical to success...It prepares us for it.

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