Think like a Viking: Part sixty three

in Self Improvement2 years ago

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Anything can be told to a friend.

Thursday's are Viking quote days - I'm doing every second Thursday now and interspersing my, think like a leader, series on the alternate Thursday. Sometimes I choose a quote randomly and sometimes based upon relevance or meaning to my life, and share some thoughts on it. These thousand year old phrases still offer value in modern society. original im src

This week's Viking quote

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Anything can be told to a friend.

- Egil's Saga -

My only social media is Hive however I've used Facebook and Twitter over the years before I saw the light and got rid of them because they are total shite. I used them to keep apprised of things I was interested in, mainly firearms and shooting things, events and people, and rarely posted anything of a remotely private nature. Eventually, I deleted both and moved on; it was the best thing I ever did.

I often saw people sharing almost everything about themselves in various ways and wondered how they could be so free with their personal information, thoughts and feelings to complete strangers. Apparently Facebook friends qualify to know everything there is about a person, *even if that friend is someone a person hardly really knows. It's weird, and not in a good way.

I'm quite a private person, so much so that many people in my real life (offline), people I've known for years, don't know all that much about me; I'm not secretive per se, but don't feel the need to tell everyone every little thing. So, it's probably not surprising that on the interwebs I'm pretty careful about what information I divulge also.

Having said that, I have a few around me who know a lot about me and I call those people friends.

Sure, some know more than others, but a friend is someone I feel comfortable opening up to be it on my past, present, future or just thoughts, hopes and fears. No, I don't tell them everything, but with friends I am more free with my personal information.

A true friend, to me, is someone who listens without judgement but is honest with me; that's how I define a friend in the first place. Secondly, they know not to break my trust. This last is a little harder to police because it's only after it happens one may find out. Generally though, I won't call a persona friend unless I feel they are deserving of the title, and that takes time and effort on their part.

I have to admit that I don't completely agree with this Viking quote as I don't believe anything should be told to a friend at all.

As a non-peopley and shy person I'm careful when it comes to developing relationships and it takes time to gain my trust; that's a learned behaviour due to events in my life. So, I'm not comfortable telling my friends anything and everything. It's not that I have things to hide, just that something that has been told cannot be untold, and information is power. Also, sometimes I think it's easier on the friendship not to overburden it with information that has little relevance to the other person - I did that once and the person just couldn't handle the information and saw me completely differently. The friendship ended.

I don't understand people blasting everything onto social media but it happens all the time. I don't understand people pouring everything out to a friend either, but that happens also. Sure, I totally understand that a burden shared is a burden lessened, but I also believe a filter should be applied sometimes.

That's it for this week, a thousand year-old Viking quote about the sharing of information with friends and what constitutes a friend. I agree with it in principle, but feel some caution is always prudent in respect of one's information.

Please feel free to disagree with my interpretation and add your own in the comments below. Also, feel free to comment with your own experiences with friends and information-sharing in the real world and on social media.


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Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind


I probably have 2 or 3 friends who actually know a lot about me; yet, it's only a lot, not every little thing and detail. Even though my circle and network is huge, spreading out to different communities and countries, I still choose to stay very low-key. I'm not an introvert, not anymore at least, but I know when it's time to open my mouth and when to keep it shut.

For now I'm on most social media platforms just to stay updated, to stay in touch with my loved ones and the people I care for, other than that these apps serve no purpose these days. These days social media is mostly filled with crap, the type of crap we'd be better off staying away from. So I'm trying to keep my social media activity as low as possible these days.

Hive has surely taken up a lot of my time though, I never thought it would be that way when I first joined. The amount of time I spend on PeakD/Hive is astronomical compared to my social media history and usage, and I'm glad it worked out the way it did.

I know when it's time to open my mouth and when to keep it shut.

A rare talent these days.

I'm on most social media platforms just to stay updated, to stay in touch with my loved ones and the people I care for, other than they serve no purpose these days.

Understandable. My family does it without social media though. Same reason, different method.

These days social media is mostly filled with crap, the type of crap we'd be better off staying away from.

I will never disagree with this. ✅

Understandable. My family does it without social media though. Same reason, different method.

The problem is that most of the people around this region are only familiar with Facebook and WhatsApp, any other app they probably don't even know about. Whether it be chats, meetings, video calls, or whatever, these two apps are the go to here. Thanks to how it's all heavily advertised over here, there's very little one can do to avoid it.

I will never disagree with this.

Few people are slowly beginning to realize how unproductive and unsafe these forms of social medias and the corps behind them can be; which surely is a good sign for WEB3 and and it inevitable takeover. I really can't wait for WEB2's downfall and ruination, might sound harsh, but a part of me just wants WEB2 to get overthrown by the people.

I get it, and that's how these corporations weasel their way in, make themselves seem indispensable. Insidious assholes.


Apparently Facebook friends qualify to know everything there is about a person, *even if that friend is someone a person hardly really knows. It's weird, and not in a good way.

Yeah, telling people you hardly know your personal business is nuts. I don't think the people doing it would be so open without social media. The older generations were much more private. But I think the shiny object syndrome has taken over peoples minds.

That's an interesting viking quote. Being that they were warriors, I wonder if there was something lost in translation. I wonder if there's another meaning buried somewhere, like "keep your friends close and your enemies closer." Who knows.

Yeah, telling people you hardly know your personal business is nuts.

I've asked people to explain it to me, but no one has ever been able to give me a reason I believed. In truth I don't think they believed it either, but they still do it. Totally brainwashed.

The older generations were much more private.

I'm fifty two, although look eighteen...and if you believe that you're fucken bonkers. Seriously though, you're right although I see people doing it still. One such is related to me (not on Hive), and a person who can't seem to draw a line between telling and not telling. He has no filter either. Bonkers, and not in a good way like me.

That's an interesting Viking quote.

I thought the same. These quotes I use are all in context in the Sagas and Edda's but here, out of context, the true gist of them could be open to interpretation. But that's what I want I guess. I figured it would be a good thing to see what others read in them. Keep in mind though, that Vikings were settlers and farmers too, not just warriors. In fact, most were settlers and farmers who fought to win land to settle and farm. I find them fascinating.

The quote you cite is actually in the Sagas mate, I don't think I've used it in my series yet though. It's a very good, and wise quote. One turns his back on a tiger at one's own peril.

I'm fifty two, although look eighteen...and if you believe that you're fucken bonkers. Seriously though, you're right although I see people doing it still.

Someone recently told me 50 is the new 30. I said, you got it wrong, the saying is 40 is the new 30. But he insisted it's 50. So, I guess you're in good shape, lol.

Keep in mind though, that Vikings were settlers and farmers too, not just warriors. In fact, most were settlers and farmers who fought to win land to settle and farm. I find them fascinating.

The Vikings are fascinating to me too. But I admit I don't know the sagas very well. I know they we're heavily stereotyped by their enemies even when they were actively raiding. That stereotype seems to persist to this day. I loved the first few seasons of the TV show Vikings. But I think it turned to shiite.

I know 40 year olds who look and act 60 and 60 year olds who act 30. I guess it all comes down to the individual. Me? Well, I go ok, look after myself and just live life as best I can. I suppose that's all there is to it really. One day it'll all come to an end so I figure I'll make the most of it now.

I agree on so many points, and I luckily barely know anyone who shares "too much" on Facebook as I am from a small Dutch village and people are pretty "normal".
But sometimes it makes me also sad outside of social media how little people talk about problems which are so common, but nobody talks about it so it seems to be rare. It is part of the fucking life but we are all pretending like those problems are not there. Sometimes I feel like it is better to accept the truth and talk about it and just accept it. Still not necessarily to spread the words on social media though.

I am from a small Dutch village and people are pretty "normal".

I'm from a small rural Australian town and people were normal there too. These days, I'm not so sure. 😁

sometimes it makes me also sad outside of social media how little people talk about problems which are so common

I agree with this. I find this with a lot of men actually. I do a lot of work with military veterans and this is something I have to work hard on. I get it though, I guess I'm the same, stoic. It's not just men though of course.

The world is bonkers these days, everything seems turned on its head. I work hard to find the gaps in between, but it's not always easy. People seem incapable of listening to themselves because of the noise, and they seem incapable of listening to each other because greed, hubris and ego. It's not a nice place.

Thanks for your comments. I hope you're well, and also I love that van of yours! I hope you're enjoying it and continue to chase down life as you are doing.

Yeahh I agree. But I guess it is hard to change when you live in a world where everyone is so closed minded. I guess those veterans went through a lot and that does something with a person. But hey, man don't feel pain and are not allowed to cry. That's what society thought them when they were kids so they are not to blame. But it is really sad what they are going through and they just keep their problems all for their self.

I'm just wondering what work you do by the way. Your previous job seemed like you work for a transport company?

And by the way,the van and I are doing very well here in Italy! Thanks for asking!

I work for a trucking and logistics company but I volunteer to work with military veterans also.

Feel free to discuss your own experiences with friends and share information in the real world and on social networks.

I have very few friends Galen along this road I have met many people and I still do "circumstantial acquaintances" as I say friends only crossroads of the road.

Friends who accompany me, teach me, and entertain me, friends on this website who are good companions. They are all different... they bring a drop of learning and transformation.

I think two or three very personal intimate friends and they are many, and they are out of the country. So the distance interrupts what you sow, but the joy and excitement to see each other are still intact.

Among my good friends are almost always men because of their openness, honesty, trust, respect, and loyalty in the good times and the less good times with them, I have the best relationships... friends without rights (laughs).

Currently, I do not give details of my personal life (intimacy), only the general what is good for me; it costs me a lot to expose my life on the networks, besides nobody cares and I much less than the stalker finding out my life.

Every day in our lives there are signs and tokens of affection everywhere, maybe we don't always notice it...but I know when a person walks beside me...then he is a good friend.

Receive my respect and admiration as always, Galen, with the best intentions.

Having acquaintances and knowing the difference between them and friends is an important skill. It's also wise to understand that the term friends isn't all-encompassing and can define various people in our lives, as you say.

I would much rather a few good friends and some acquaintances than many of both, life is simpler that way.

Every day in our lives there are signs and tokens of affection everywhere, maybe we don't always notice it...but I know when a person walks beside me...then he is a good friend.

I agree, and as long as the friend is there for the right reason then all is well.

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There are some things you can't tell even your best friend.

We don't know if what happened to your friend, who didn't know how to handle the information and walked away, will happen to him.

There are some things you can't tell even your best friend.

I think this a totally acceptable way to think. Thanks for your comment.

First of all, I would like to say that even though I want to uninstall and delete my Facebook app, but I can't. There are many things involved in the university that uses Facebook streams. Anyway, I disagree with the quote as well. The quote says "a friend" meaning it is only one. That being said, is already false. I don't think we only have one friend though.

A true friend, to me, is someone who listens without judgment but is honest with me;

When you tell your story, your true friend must listen first until you finish. Then whatever he says about it must be true and helpful to you whether it is soothing or painful. There's no judgment but there is constructive criticism happens.

I totally understand that a burden shared is a burden lessened, but I also believe a filter should be applied sometimes.

I'm a transparent person whether it is online or offline. But um, I only share stories with a certain friend(s) that they can relate to and will give me a substance opinion. In a way, that's how I filter my stories to people.

First of all, I would like to say that even though I want to uninstall and delete my Facebook app, but I can't. There are many things involved in the university that uses Facebook streams.

I understand this and it makes things difficult for those who don't want to use the Facebook-personal-information-gathering software app. There was a time when it didn't exist though, and life seemed to travel along quite well without it.

The quote says "a friend" meaning it is only one. That being said, is already false. I don't think we only have one friend though.

I think it implies friends mate, not singular.

Those social medias you speak of are very much shite and that's putting it mildly. They can be weaponized against someone as well so it's not particularly wise to put it all out there. It also opens up all your vulnerabilities to everyone to see, also not such a good idea. I think that people are so filled with apathy and they have no caution factor anymore so they just blurt out everything.

There is a lot that I keep off Hive as well for similar reasons.

As far as the quote goes, well it is not a very good idea but it also depends on your own interpretation of a friend. I, like you have quite a strict policy of who would classify as a friend and those that brandish the name I can count on one hand. I'm totally ok with that too as I don't feel the need to have loads of people in my circle.

I would have loved to have been around in those days though to witness how their culture worked. Inspirational band of people!

I agree, they acheived a great deal and whilst seemingly barbarian warriors were in fact far more than that. I think it's good to look at their concepts through the Sagas and Eddas and apply them to us now. Of course, over a thousand years ago things were different, words meant different things and people thought differently. Some will translate and some won't.

I can't disagree with the stuff you say about social media and I believe most would be better off without it. Life was better before Facebook and Instagram and all. People were more connected to those that mattered and less connected to those that did not.

I think that their lives were very different. They were hard but also a lot simpler than what we live these days. Arguments were settled differently and friends were those that you worked alongside with and had full trust in, those you knew you could go to battle with and potentially be saved by or die for.

I love Hive and I've met so many really great people through it, but the others just don't have any soul. They detract more than they add of any good and I'm trying to do away with things like that. I'm a simple person and would rather spend 4 hours with a great friend drinking coffee and talking shit than spending 1 full hour on one of those platforms.