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RE: The Power of a Good Reminder

in Self Improvement2 years ago

A few weeks ago I started to write down, in a notebook with a pen, reminders for me too. For me, the digital forms didn't work out, I needed again to go back to the traditional way of writing them down haha. Although I had to start writing down all the things I have to do, not to forget them, for a whole week and weeks in advance. Your messages, the motivational ones. Also a great idea, we do need those reminders for ourselves :)


I think we all need reminders from time to time! But even more importantly, we need encouragement from our friends and family members when we're feeling stuck or overwhelmed. That's why it's so important for us to surround ourselves with people who care about us and want us to succeed.

Indeed, we so much need that. And also it means we should never let our friends and family be let alone. A kind word, attention, a smile... we can share with all of those with we care for :)