The Power of a Good Reminder

in Self Improvement2 years ago

I love the power of a good reminder.

It's something I've been practicing for years, and it's helped me in so many ways. It's allowed me to be more intentional with my time, and to make sure that I'm making the most of every day—because really, who has enough of it? And what better way to do that than by reminding yourself that you're worth it?


I'm not going to lie: sometimes it can be tough. Especially when we're working hard on something we're passionate about but don't feel like we're getting anywhere (or even worse, wasting time). It's easy to get caught up in all the things we have to do each day, but it's also important to remember what's truly important. Remembering those things can be as simple as putting your phone down for a few minutes before you start working on a project or taking a walk around the block. And once you take some time out of your day and remind yourself why you're doing what you're doing, everything else just falls into place naturally.


Reminders are one way we can stay in touch with our values and what we want out of life. They can help us figure out how we feel about ourselves, and how we want others to see us. Reminders can also help us take care of ourselves when times get tough or stressful—they can remind us to take a break from work and relax, or give us an idea for what kind of vacation might be just right for our mood at the moment.

I'm a firm believer that if you don't have something in your life that makes you feel good, then it's time to change it. I know this feeling of happiness can be hard to come by sometimes, especially when we're so used to feeling lonely and alone—but I think it's worth it!

In my opinion, there's no better way to make sure that you're using your time wisely than by reminding yourself that you are worth it. It can be hard to believe that sometimes—not everyone has the luxury of thinking they matter (or even understand what that feels like). But when we have the tools to remind ourselves of how special we are, we really do start to take ownership over our lives and stop feeling like victims of circumstance.

When I was younger, my parents always told me how important it was for me to make friends and find people who loved me. They were right: having friends around me made me happy. So now whenever I am feeling down or lonely, I try to remember what those people did for me when they were there for me. It's just like the saying "you are the average of five people" applies here: the way you treat others is how they will treat you.

So remember: if you have something in your life that makes you happy and keeps your spirits high, take care of it as best as possible because one day down the line (hopefully sooner than later), there will be someone else who needs this same thing from YOU!

I love the power of a good reminder. And when I'm feeling down or upset, one thing I do is just write myself notes or leave little messages on my phone with positive words written by other people who have been there. When you're feeling down and out, one of the best things you can do is take a moment to pause and write yourself a note to remind you of all the good things in your life. There are so many people out there who have experienced what you're going through, and they can help you get through it.

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It doesn't matter what you have in your life—if you're not happy and content, then something is wrong. So take a moment today and write down 3 things that make you happy. Then read them tomorrow morning before your alarm goes off and remind yourself why these things are important enough for you to spend some time on them every day!

It's a funny thing—you know? You think you're feeling sad, maybe even depressed. But then you read some encouraging words written by someone else who has been there before, and suddenly everything seems brighter again.

I've found that when I'm reminded of the value of my time (and the value of other people's time), even small things can add up to big changes—bigger than what we could ever imagine! The power of these reminders can't be overstated—they really do make a difference!

To all of us who are still working on our own goals and dreams: remember that you're worth it!

All photos are mine. Thank you!


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A few weeks ago I started to write down, in a notebook with a pen, reminders for me too. For me, the digital forms didn't work out, I needed again to go back to the traditional way of writing them down haha. Although I had to start writing down all the things I have to do, not to forget them, for a whole week and weeks in advance. Your messages, the motivational ones. Also a great idea, we do need those reminders for ourselves :)

I think we all need reminders from time to time! But even more importantly, we need encouragement from our friends and family members when we're feeling stuck or overwhelmed. That's why it's so important for us to surround ourselves with people who care about us and want us to succeed.

Indeed, we so much need that. And also it means we should never let our friends and family be let alone. A kind word, attention, a smile... we can share with all of those with we care for :)

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I all agree with your powerful words and what a great piece my friend. Perhaps there is really a great power of noting reminders. as for me, I am having a mini journal, too. This is really very worth it.