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RE: You be basic

in Self Improvement4 years ago

I am not great with video tutorials either - they move too fast for me :D

I have used Krita a little, but it isn't the same use case perhaps. I also wonder when it comes to the free stuff, where is the monetization coming from, as there must be, right?

Seems like a natural expansion of the other long running problem of everyone wants someone experienced to do the job but no one will give anyone a chance to get any experience.

Yep. When I mentioned it to my client they went a bit quiet. It is kind of like they expect other manufacturers to train the people they steal :D

so probably have no idea that they're undermining their kids/next generation/whatever.

This is what I assume.

I see it in my kids and their schooled friends who disregard some lessons they consider irrelevant because the most obvious thought of "what if you don't have [this thing that currently does it]" seems impossible.

I think that this happens often now - when the internet is unavailable for some reason. We see how reliant we are for most of our lives and then sit around with "nothing to do" - soon, we really will have nothing to do.


What's your use case? It was designed for painting in which is what I do, and you can animate in it now as well but I haven't been game enough to try to figure that one out, it's been A Very Long TimeTM since I did 2d anim and I find it harder than 3d XD

It is kind of like they expect other manufacturers to train the people they steal :D

LoL! That is EXACTLY how it works XD

when the internet is unavailable for some reason

J and I usually joke about going into withdrawals on Christmas Island as they still use archaic quota systems over there so we have to really restrict internet usage XD

I feel sorry for people who can't find something to do, I always have something to do :D

a lot of the time it's stuff I don't want to do but you know adulting