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RE: Have You Ever Heard The Word Spotlight Effect?

I wonder how much of a part culture and upbringing play a part in how we develop in this arena? When I studied in Europe, as an American, I was surprised at the reticence of the British students. They were very reserved, almost painfully so, that I made it my mission to get them to loosen up a bit.

This is a great insight I never consider this idea until you brought it into daylight. Yeah cultural norms would matter too! Filipino's tend to be more reserved and meek especially the ones who grew up in the rural area. We tend to see people oozing with confidence as a negative trait.

So the next time you're out there about to take a picture, ignore those people and get the shot that you want. Don't allow what you think about them to cause you to miss a moment that you may never see again. :)

Jeez I am trying my best on that! HAHA old habits don't die easily.
