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RE: Halloween Contest: Ghosts and Demons (ENG/SPA)

Horror movies like this has to be some of the scariest...I didn't see insidious because I was really young at that time and there was no way I could have taken such horror...but then I saw conjuring ,...after the first installment I was sure I wanted to see more of that scary shii and I did made my heart skip a beat..

I couldn't understand how it happened but there were scenes coupled with great sound effects that all went together and left you gasping for breath...

I hope the see insidious now that I'm might not be as scary as it used to be but then it'll be worth watching..

You did a great job dear! And I'm glad I stumbled on this one ❤️


I saw "insidious" when it came out (as an adult) and of course it promises good scares, after all, it was directed by an eminent horror director, 1 and 2 are the good ones, from then on I saw them but they were never as good as the instalments directed by James Wan